Ubercore v1.6


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  • Uploaded
    Jul 7, 2013
  • Size
    40.22 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.6.1



- Updated to 1.6.1

- Added Ghast

- Added Zombie Pigman

- Added Updater Class

- Added MetricsLite Class

- Removed New Golden Apple Recipe (Redundant)

- Removed Natural Regeneration Command (Redundant)

- Updated config.yml to include new custom mobs

- Added (In beta) Teams


- Moved all Entity Death Events into it's own handler.

- Improved onCommand handler.

- Added Heal, Clearall, Feed commands.

- Changed pearldamage to just /pearl now.

- Added arguments to /regen and /pearl.

- Added Edited Mobs: Zombie, Skeleton, CaveSpider, Spider, Creeper and Enderman.

- Creeper explosions have been powered by default.

- Creepers explode upon death.

- Magma Cubes Spawn Lava upon death (Tiny).

- Zombies, Creepers and Skeletons now move faster.

- Zombies and Skeletons are now immune to daylight.


- Consolidated all recipe code into one section

- All current features can be toggled via the config.yml

- Added two commands, /regen and /pearldamage they will toggle the Natural Regeneration and Ender Pearl Damage respectfully.

- Removed new Gold Block Recipe

- Cleaned up config.yml reordered setting paths.


- Changed Ghast Tears for Gold Ingots


- Golden Apple recipe changed to require gold ingots instead of nuggets.

- Golden 'Notch/God' Apple changed to require gold ingots and a player head.

- Glistering Melon recipe changed to require a gold block.

- New Gold Block recipe added.

- Disabled Health Regeneration on a full hunger bar.

- Disabled original recipes for God Apple/Golden Apple and Glistering Melon

- Players drop heads when killed by another player.