TutorialSpawn v1.21b

Introduction: TutorialSpawn allows the user to create a tutorial area for their server. A player can view the tutorial area and then enter a passphrase to leave the tutorial. Players will be forced back into the tutorial area every time they log-in until they enter the proper passphrase.

Purpose: I found the need for servers to have an initial tutorial area without having to interfere with their normal spawn area. This plugin allows the user to have a tutorial area that users will automatically port to, while being able to maintain a smaller, less cluttered spawn for the players who already know how the server functions.

Commands (v1.21b+):

  • /tsphrase [passphrase] - Confirm phrase
  • /tssetphrase [passphrase] - Set passphrase
  • /tsgetphrase - Get passphrase
  • /tsspawn - Teleport to tutorial spawn
  • /tssetspawn - Set tutorial spawn location
  • /tsexit - Teleport to tutorial exit
  • /tssetexit - Set location to teleport to once passphrase is entered
  • /tssetmje [integer] - Set maximum join events (EX /ts setmje 5)
  • /tsgetmje - Get maximum join events
  • /tssettd [double] - Set teleport delay (EX /ts settd 0.5)
  • /tsgettd - Get teleport delay

Once the spawn has been set, users will be transported to that location every time they log-in until they enter the correct passphrase using /tsphrase or until they reach the maximum amount of join events (Default maximumJoinEvents is set to -1. maximumJoinEvents will have to be set to a non-negative integer for this feature to work). Default phrase is putwhateverphraseyoulike and can be changed in the config.yml or by using the /tssetphrase command.

Permissions (v1.21b+):

  • tutorialspawn.phrase

description: Allows user to input passphrase needed to leave tutorial.

default: true (You should not need to add this to you permissions file, /tsphrase should work for all users by default)

  • tutorialspawn.phrase.get

description: Allows user to get current passphrase.

  • tutorialspawn.phrase.set

description: Allows user to set current passphrase.

  • tutorialspawn.spawn

description: Allows user to teleport to tutorial spawn.

  • tutorialspawn.spawn.set

description: Allows user to set tutorial spawn.

  • tutorialspawn.exit

description: Allows user to teleport to tutorial exit.

  • tutorialspawn.exit.set

description: Allows user to set tutorial exit.

  • tutorialspawn.mje.get

description: Allows user to get current maximum join events.

  • tutorialspawn.mje.set

description: Allows user to set current maximum join events.

  • tutorialspawn.td.get

description: Allows user to get current teleport delay.

  • tutorialspawn.td.set

description: Allows user to set current teleport delay.

Each permissions can be used as a wildcard (EX: tutorialspawn.phrase.* would give the permissions for tutorialspawn.phrase, tutorialspawn.phrase.get, and tutorialspawn.phrase.set). The only permissions a user should need is the tutorialspawn.phrase permission, which is set as default:true for all users. The rest of the permissions are considered admin/op controls.

For previous version info visit TutorialSpawn 1.0b

If you like this plugin please donate to [email protected]


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