This plugin is still being planned and coded! It may takes some time to get the first alpha release out!
Check my GitHub to see the development progress:
Tutorializer on Github
Tutorializer allows you to create simple tutorials easily for your new server members!
Not like other plugins does it record chat only. It records location, chat, blocks placed, blocks broken.
If you are an admin and you want your new server members to work out things easy with tutorials, then this plugin is definetely something for you!
Commands + Information:
Q: How to record a tutorial?
A: /tut record [name] [fps]
Now you are in recording mode, and by default equiped with a stick and an iron hoe :D
Everything mentioned above will be recorded exept your location.
Your location starts recording when you leftclick your stick.
You can stop recording your location by leftclicking again.
To get back to your last recorded location rightclick with your stick.
Your can add dely to yout recording by leftclicking your hoe.
You can increase/decrease the daly by rightclicking with the hoe.
To stop the recording- simply type "stop" into the chat.
Q: How to play a tutorial?
A: /tut play [name]
Q: How to delete a tutorial?
A: /tut delete [name]
Is this still being made ????