Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.2-R0.2
- 1.7.4
- CB 1.6.4-R2.0
- New Features
- Add lobby system
- Lobby signs are protected from direct and indirect destruction
- Two types of signs: "status" and "players"
- Add "/ttt help lobby" command
- Add build stability checker (reports stability of current build when plugin is loaded)
- DNA scanners spin when no sample has been collected
- Add esES locale
- Add itIT locale
- Add plPL locale
- Add output to /ttt ss command
- Bug Fixes
- Fix "IOException: String length longer than maximum allowed (X > 16)"
- Fix improper round conclusion on server reload/restart (before, players in rounds would lose their inventory and remain in the arena)
- Fix conflicts with Multiverse
- Fix potential memory leaks on server reload due to static variables
- Change gamemode to survival on round join
- Fix IllegalPluginAccessException on disable
- Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when importing world
- Internal Changes
- Refactor project to "TTT"
- Load all config values on plugin enable so as not to continually reference it while running
- Update MCStats to Revision 7
- Change encoding of source files and in turn strings in binaries to UTF-8 without BOM
- Change encoding of locales to UTF-8 without BOM, fixing special characters being displayed incorrectly
- Change updater class so as to comply with ToS changes
- Compile with Java 7
- Messages introduced in 0.5 may not be 100% accurate for some locales; namely: deDE, nlNL, plPL, and ptBR