Welcome To TSGMod

The Hunger Games was both a great book, and a decent movie (though it did fall short of the book, but what movie doesn't?), so I've (with a lot of help from others) put together a plugin that tries to replicate that experience. It is nowhere near done, but what I have so far is playable, and you can hopefully see where I intend this to go.

TSGMod Spawn for Eight People

The Simple Game:

/tsg start hg <time in seconds>: Starts a game /tsg start hg 120

/tsg join: Join the started game

/tsg sign: Place a sign, enter this command, then click it

The Config:

devtag: Whether or not I get a little [TSGDev] tag with my name when I join your server

award_prizes: Whether or not to give players prizes if they win

clearplayerinventory: Whether or not players should have to have an empy inventory to join (not enabled)

can_build: Whether building in the game world is blocked or not

build_walls: Whether to limit the arena size or not

immune_period: How long players are immune at the start of the games

arena_size: Size of the arena per player, +50, +100, +150 respectively

use_economy: Whether or not to pay players for wins/bets/sponsorships with economy money (not enabled)

sponsor_money_item: Item that represents money if not economy (not enabled)

money_name: What the plugin should call the currency in its player messages (not enabled)

sponsor_cost_multiplier: By how much the sponsor should be upcharged (not enabled)

allowed_sponsor_items: Items allowed to be sent to players from sponsors (not enabled)

remove-op: Whether or not to de-op players in the games if they're op, op status is re-added after the games.

If you PM me I can show you the games in action on a test server, sometimes.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 8, 2012
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