Welcome To TSGMod
The Hunger Games was both a great book, and a decent movie (though it did fall short of the book, but what movie doesn't?), so I've (with a lot of help from others) put together a plugin that tries to replicate that experience. It is nowhere near done, but what I have so far is playable, and you can hopefully see where I intend this to go.
The Simple Game:
/tsg start hg <time in seconds>: Starts a game /tsg start hg 120
/tsg join: Join the started game
/tsg sign: Place a sign, enter this command, then click it
The Config:
devtag: Whether or not I get a little [TSGDev] tag with my name when I join your server
award_prizes: Whether or not to give players prizes if they win
clearplayerinventory: Whether or not players should have to have an empy inventory to join (not enabled)
can_build: Whether building in the game world is blocked or not
build_walls: Whether to limit the arena size or not
immune_period: How long players are immune at the start of the games
arena_size: Size of the arena per player, +50, +100, +150 respectively
use_economy: Whether or not to pay players for wins/bets/sponsorships with economy money (not enabled)
sponsor_money_item: Item that represents money if not economy (not enabled)
money_name: What the plugin should call the currency in its player messages (not enabled)
sponsor_cost_multiplier: By how much the sponsor should be upcharged (not enabled)
allowed_sponsor_items: Items allowed to be sent to players from sponsors (not enabled)
remove-op: Whether or not to de-op players in the games if they're op, op status is re-added after the games.
If you PM me I can show you the games in action on a test server, sometimes.
It can be found, but I would prefer if my license were respected.
Is there source for this plugin I could find?
Who do i pay to bring this back @_@
I'm unsure, I've ended up in a situation where I have very little time/motivation for this project. I'll look in to it in a couple of days.
hi, i downloaded the plugin and droped it into my plugins folder, but it wouldnt load? is there a way to fix this? plz help i real need(want)a hungergames plugin in my server
Maybe, just maybe, IF you learn how to use capital letters and formatting like a normal person. I get emailed about every last comment, you putting "PLEASE ADD" just annoys me. Now, explain your feature in proper and concise English, and I'll think about it.
I REALLY need a survival games plugin that has a deathmatch feature, please add this!!
The current release is stable, if you need a walk through or a how to, PM me, for now I can't write a full user-friendly description and instructions.
Let me know when you have some time, I can show you.
I've added this now, permissions are tsg.<command>, tsg.join for instance.
i would love to test plugins for you, but i would like to know what the plugin does etc.?
wuld it be possible to add permissions and a timer that counts down before the game starts !!!
Hi :) I installed the plugin jar but it doesn"t generate a configuration file only a names map file. I can actually generate a world but how to you actually stop one ??? my ingame help doesnt list any info on those sort of commands and I cant see any documentation on this page either ... when we started a hg it started without anyone joining and we couldnt stop it...had to stop the server to make the game quit. Also is there a list for perms ? Am I perhaps having issues as this is not a current plugin for the latest craftbukkit ? Thanks for your time in advance if you get a sec to answer :)
Hello When there is a new stable release? It will take time? Sorry for all these questions but I promised my server a hunger games.
Thank you for all the answers ! Thanks
Non-existant, but there will be an update soon. I've been too busy with work lately to update it otherwise.
Inexistant, mais il y aura une mise à jour bientôt. J'ai été trop occupé avec le travail ces derniers temps pour le mettre à jour autrement.
Where is the stable version ? Thanks
The plugin is still in beta, many things aren't enabled yet for this reason. And the wall is of course created, and no you can never break it.
Le plugin est encore en version bêta, beaucoup de choses ne sont pas encore activé pour cette raison. Et le mur est bien sûr créé, et non tu ne peux pas le casser.
Hello, i'm french and i don't speak english. But i have a question, why, when i change my config.yml, nothing changes. Look this.
devtag: false award_prizes: true clearplayerinventory: true can_build: true build_walls: false immune_period: 0 arena_size: large use_economy: true sponsor_money_item: 266 money_name: "Drachmas" sponsor_cost_multiplier: 1 allowed_sponsor_items: - 264 0.25 - 266 0.25 - 17 0.25 - 4 0.2 - 325 0.1 - 326 0.1 - 262 0.0 - 333 0.1 - 363 0.1 - 366 0.0 remove-op: false
But the wall is manufactured, even and i don't can to break. Can you help me ? My config.yml is in res and in my /plugins/tsgmod.
I know how to use the command now but...i can't get diamond armor or enchant swords ...i really like if you can fix that
If you read the page you'll notice that there's some red text showing how to start a game.