

Contact my Skype: ripster.ultima


A Brief Description

TrollPlayer is a plugin designed to allow admins / owners of servers to punish players. If not, its just meant for banter! Joke around with players / friends by adding this plugin to your server. As of now, there are 6 commands but I will look at your guys' comments and add more! :)

Features / Commands

/freeze: Freeze a player which does not allow them to move at all.
/drop: Drop a player from the sky. (usually kills them)
/forcechat: Force a player to type something in chat.
/forcecmd: Force a player to execute a command.
/falseop: Make a player think they just got OP.
/gibberish: Change the player's messages to random characters.
/invdrop Drop all the players items 3 blocks behind them.
/setfire: Set a player on fire for a specific amount of seconds.
/dizzy: Blind and confuse the player, they will feel dizzy.
/buildexplode: Explode every block a player places (NO EXPLOSION DAMAGE TO BLOCKS).
/breakexplode: Explode every block a player breaks (NO EXPLOSION DAMAGE TO BLOCKS).
/nuclearbomb: Cause a few 100TNTs power to explode on a player (CAUSES DAMAGE TO BLOCKS).
/dropanvil: Freezes the player, drops an anvil on them, unfreezes them again.
/dropsquid: Drops a squid on the player's head.
/dogattack: Spawns a given number of dogs that chases a player and kills them.
/poison: Gives the player Poison 3 potion effect. Really hurts.


/falseop :

/gibberish :

Permission nodes

trollplayer.* : Gives the user access to all TrollPlayer commands.
trollplayer.freeze : Gives the user access to /freeze.
trollplayer.drop : Gives the user access to /drop.
trollplayer.forcechat : Gives the user access to /forcechat.
trollplayer.forcecmd : Gives the user access to /forcecmd.
trollplayer.falseop : Gives the user access to /falseop.
trollplayer.gibberish : Gives the user access to /gibberish.
trollplayer.invdrop : Gives the user access to /invdrop.
trollplayer.setfire : Gives the user access to /setfire.
trollplayer.dizzy : Gives the user access to /dizzy.
trollplayer.buildexplode : Gives the user access to /buildexplode.
trollplayer.breakexplode : Gives the user access to /breakexplode.
trollplayer.nuclearbomb : Gives the user access to /nuclearbomb.
trollplayer.dropanvil: Gives the user access to /dropanvil.
trollplayer.dropsquid: Gives the user access to /dropsquid.
trollplayer.dogattack: Gives the user access to /dogattack.
trollplayer.poison: Gives the user access to /poison.


If you are using my plugin on your server, PLEASE tell me in the comments!
Immortals PVP @


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 5, 2016
  • Last Released File
    Mar 3, 2017
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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