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Trollaman Slug: The slug will be used in URLs and on-disk paths. It will also act as the unique identifier for your bukkit plugin. To change it, seek out a moderator. Valid characters are: -_a-z0-9. Must start with a letter. For example, if your bukkit plugin's name is Dr. Wong's Discotec then your slug might be discotec or dr-wongs and your url would be /bukkit-plugins/discotec/ or /bukkit-plugins/dr-wongs/.
trollaman License:
Custom license name: Name of your custom license. To use a custom license, select Custom from the above box.
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Allow comments on this bukkit plugin on Allow comments on this bukkit plugin on Use the ticket tracker for this bukkit plugin? External ticket tracker URL: Invalid URL. If you would like to use an external ticket tracker instead of the one provided, you can specify it here.
İSTE Clonability: How cloning is allowed on this bukkit plugin. Open source licenses always provide full cloning. Single-depth cloning only allows cloning of the mainline repository, no others.
Experimental bukkit plugin? You should request experimental status if your idea is not fully fleshed out, particularly if you are making a library. Files will not sync to while experimental, but you will be able to use all features of, and users will be able to find your bukkit plugin on You may request your bukkit plugin be moved out of experimental at any time, and this will be requested automatically once the first release file is uploaded to the bukkit plugin.
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