
Tribu - A Zombie Survival Game


What is it ?

Tribu is a zombie survival game in which you can set zombie spawns. Zombies will appear wave by wave once the game is started. You have to kill them! Each kill will get you money and points, and with the money you can buy items to kill more zombies. The game will stop when everyone is dead.


  • Configurable zombies wave
  • Set (invisible) zombie spawns
  • Configurable zombie quantity,health,damage, speed, time to spawn
  • Mystery box
  • Zombie give configurable money and points to the player dealing most damage/ a percentage of damage for each concerned players
  • Dead people can be jailed
  • Money can be used to buy item, open door, etc...
  • Tracking zombies : Zombies can track a player with no limit
  • Zombie rally point : you can set a rally point for zombies
  • Spawns can be controlled by redstone
  • Night fight : you can configure the time of world at wave start
  • Automation : you do not need an operator to launch the game
  • Vote for next level to start at end
  • Dis/allowability to modify the world
  • Level can be reverted from before beginning of the game
  • Minimum players to attain before launching the game
  • Store inventory and give it back at end of the game
  • Fully customizable messages
  • Endless game
  • Permission support
  • Multiworld support
  • Multilingual (English, German, French, Spannish, Dutch, Bulgarian, you can easily contribute to the plugin by creating the language file for your language, don't hesitate to PM Graindcafe)
  • Use Metrics and is display on mcstat since version 0.6.3

How to use

Level building

Special signs


Commands list

Additional Permissions

Language file customization (advanced)

Basically, the player has to type /tribu enter to enter the game, but a game has to have been made by an op with the command /tribu start.

Please see the FAQ before asking for help.

Use ticket system to request help, do not comment for this !


If you can afford to, please consider a donation

If you can donate $1 it's great ! There is no minimum, I will be thankful regardless to the amount.

I am making this plugin for free since more than 2 year. If you are earning money with your server, please consider a donation, a little money to offer me a cup of coffee :) Since 2011 when I started the plugin, I received 30€, that's generous from the donors but it's quite small comparing to the 22000+ downloads of the plugin ! To donate, simply click here. Donations are processed with Paypal for 100% security.

Level Migrator

For those of you who want to migrate a level from a world to another world (if for example you rename a world or whatever), I created a little tool that will help you doing that

Sample Maps

As it can be a bit confusing to see what we can do with Tribu I'm starting to create some samples maps and config files First one is Forest Defense Forest Defense

It's a basic one lane level, but it may be harder than you think. Almost all features has been used in this level, but there is few signs. It can be downloaded on Mega here


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 10, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Sep 28, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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