Tribu 0.6.3
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UploadedJul 29, 2013
Size181.86 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.6.2
- Compatible with Craftbukkit 1.6.2 R02
- Improved a lot AI, zombies can now focus you even if you're VERY far away
- Added Mystery Sign
- Added Join Sign
- Added Leave Sign
- Toll sign can now have "for each" on the third line forcing the player to pay everytime
- Toll sign have an increased range
- Added config node "Level.AllowJoinDuringGame" default to true
- Added config node "Level.KickIfZeroPoint" default to false
- Added config node "Level.MaxPlayers" default to 0 meaning no limit
- Added config node "Level.StartingMoney" default to 0
- Added config node "Level.StartingPoints" default to 0
- Added config node "Zombies.FocusVillager" default to true
- Added config node "Zombies.FocusNPC" default to true
- Added config node "Zombies.FocusPlayerFirst" default to false
- Added PluginMetrics
- Health, Hunger, XP, Level & GameMode are reseted at game start & restored at game end
- GameMode is Survival during game or Adventure if AllowPlace & AllowBreak are set to false
- Fixed item dropping when player die
- Fixed language file encoding
- Fixed a per-level config or a per-world config file can now load another language
- Fixed polynomial computation
- Fixed door opening bug with toll sign
- Fixed Stats.RewardMethod (can be "First,Last,Best,Percentage or All", default to Best)
- Fixed RewardOnlyAlive (default to false)
- Fixed broadcasting waiting players
- Fixed autostart feature. /tribu stop block auto start
- Fixed many others various bug
- Polynomials are computed a different way than before
Dead players can be focused by zombies