TreeAssist v5.8.74
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UploadedJun 27, 2014
Size92.40 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.1
- CB 1.7.2-R0.3
- CB 1.6.4-R2.0
This build works on 1.6 servers and supports 1.7 trees!
v5.8.74 - partially revert the internal rewrite. 1.7 trees are not fully supported by bukkit. Fixed for now!
v5.8.73 - revert default behaviour. You need to set Main.Initial Delay to true before the delay is used!
v5.8.72 - fix "Initial Delay" for Auto Destruct. This defaulted to 10 seconds but never worked. Now it does. Beware!
v5.8.71 - add "Automatic Tree Destruction.Required Lore" - require a special lore for the tool to work
v5.8.70 - add /treeassist purge global - removes entries of blocks in invalid worlds or not of type LOG and LOG_2
v5.8.69 - finish the addition!
v5.8.68 - how about we actually add the timestamp?
v5.8.67 - add /ta purge [days|worldname] to remove unneeded blocklist entries
v5.8.66 - support global toggle - addresses github issue #236
v5.8.65 - allow to disable the plugin when sneaking
v5.8.64 - finally fix the NPE from #58
v5.8.63 - fix the fact that new tools break. Thanks, TNTUP!
v5.8.62 - fix the fix
v5.8.61 - fully move to Prism 2.0
v5.8.60 - support Prism 2.0 --> "Prism2"
v5.8.58 - fix another NPE
v5.8.57 - fix NPE in modded trees fail check
v5.8.56 - add /treeassist noreplant - don't replant saplings for configured time
v5.8.55 - readd libraries
v5.8.54 - fix negative durability hacks
v5.8.53 - add /treeassist protecttool - protect individual saplings!
v5.8.52 - add a world parameter to the toggle command
v5.8.51 - add 'Main.Toggle Default' to default to disabled TA by default
v5.8.50 - disable block null spam, not necessary!