
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



chest / doublechest / furnace / dispenser / brewingstand / etc

can be looted by every player
Set the forget-time, so players can loot it again later.

There's more!
See the Features list, for a full list of features.




Check out this video (old version), to get an idea of what this plugin can do:


  • Normal Treasure: You see the items when you open it for the first time
  • Unlimited Treasure: You see the items when you open it every time
    (dispensers/droppers can dispense/drop unlimitedly)
  • Random Treasure: You see a random selection of the items. Can also be unlimited!
  • Shared Treasure: Instead of having a personal inventory for every player, all players share the same treasure inventory.
  • Forget-Time: You can access a treasure again... after the forget-time has passed.
  • Custom messages: (found first time, found again, is unlimited)
  • Some treasures are for some ranks.
  • Create Treasure Groups to perform operations on a bunch of treasures at once!
  • Add special rewards:
    • Money using Vault
    • Experience, Health, Hunger, Air
    • Potion effects!
    • Fly for some time
    • Spawn mobs in a region! Or exp bottles or whatever
    • Teleport to a region
    • Create explosion at some location
    • Place redstone torch at some location
    • Restore a region using WorldEdit's snapshots
    • Execute a command... normally, or let console execute it, or make player OP for a sec.
    • Broadcast a list of messages
    • Bankrobber, cannot be looted, until looter is killed
    • TODO: Permission reward
    • TODO: Lightning reward
    • TODO: Fireworks reward
    • Score reward



  • You can't access Treasure Chests that are protected by other plugins.
    Unless you use the ignore-protection command.
  • You can't break, burn or blow up Treasure Chests.
    Unless you use the delete command.

Fake Inventories

  • Players always see a personal "fake inventory" to prevent others from stealing.
    This "fake inventory" is temporary. So don't expect something like a private chest.
  • Players also see a "fake inventory" with shared treasures. But it's not personal. First come, first serve!
  • Use the peek command to open the real inventory.


  • Use lower-case letters, in the configuration and permissions. Also see the How-To page.


  • Fix issues if there are any.
  • Add features when issues are fixed.

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