TreasureChest 8.0
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UploadedJul 18, 2012
Size85.60 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R4.0
Version 8.0
The chest.yml file has become useless.
When you install, none of the treasures will work.
You must execute /tchest convert
command /tchest convert is removed
If you want to automatically convert your chests.yml file, use version 8.0 beta
New features
Updating treasures
When you want to update a Treasure,
- Rightclick a Treasure with a Chest in your hand
- The normal inventory will open (instead of the "fake inventory")
- Change the items
- Use command /tchest set like normally
So the trick is to open the treasure with a chest in your hand.
You can now reward players money or experience via a Treasure Chest!
The money feature requires Vault and some economy plugin, like iConomy.
The plugin works fine without the money feature.
To add "rewards", type /tchest reward add
It will show you the way.
For more reward-commands, type /tchest reward ?
The count command and list-all command are bugged
The reload command is gone
You probably get an error, when vault is not installed.