
Example configuration file (/plugins/TravelPad/config.yml):

Teleportation Options:
  Require item: false
  Take item: false
  Item ID: 368
  Charge player: false
  Charge amount: 10.0
Portal Options:
  Charge on creation: false
  Refund on deletion: false
  Creation charge: 30.0
  Deletion return: 10.0
  Allow any player to break: false

Configuration Breakdown:

Teleportation Options:

  • Require item: - If true, the player will be required to have an item in their inventory in order to be able to teleport from TravelPad to TravelPad
  • Take item: - If true, the required item will also be removed from the player's inventory when they teleport, as a fee of sorts.
  • Item ID: - The ID of the item that is required for teleportation (you can ignore this if Require item is false)
  • Charge player: - If true, the player will be charged from their economy account when they teleport
  • Charge amount - The price that it costs to teleport (you can ignore this if Charge player is false)

Portal Options:

  • Charge on creation: - If true, the player will be charged from their economy account when they create a TravelPad
  • Refund on deletion: - If true, the player will be refunded to their economy account when they delete their TravelPad (this only affects the TravelPad's creator, if a random player comes around and deletes a TravelPad the owner will get refunded, not them.)
  • Creation charge: - The price that it costs to create a pad (you can ignore this if Charge on creation is false)
  • Deletion return: - How much the player should be refunded if their pad is deleted (if it expires from not being named they will be refunded fully, regardless of this setting and Refund on deletion's setting)
  • Allow any player to break: - If true, any player who happens across a TravelPad can delete it by breaking the obsidian center. This prevents trolls from placing it in places where they should not be. If you want this on but also want like a spawn TravelPad that cannot be broken, you can obviously just prevent blocks from being broken and the pad will not be destroyed if someone attempts to break it.)


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