
Welcome to TransmuteIt. ProjectE's transmutation system heavily inspires this plugin. It works (almost) every item has a set "EMC" value, how much it's worth basically. Transmuting allows you to discover it and transmute the EMC into other things you've discovered.
How it works
You can read more about EMC and discoveries here. It works just like the mod does, except with commands and not a GUI (in some cases).
I'm already four parallel universes ahead of you. You can view all the commands on the wiki!
The central command is /transmute.
Permissions are also on the wiki. However, the command that allows players to do most player things is transmute.player.
Please Note
EMC can work separately from your Vault economy, or it can be the same! By default, it's separate, but changing the 'economy' variable to true in the config can enable this integration!
Do note this is my second (public) plugin, so it may have problems or things I didn't account for. If you find a bug or have feedback, please leave it on GitHub, or DM me on Discord.
The plugin is still in active development. This isn't quite the full release, but it does what I wanted it to, and it doesn't break, so feel free to give it a shot.
We finally support PlaceholderAPI as of 0.3.0. You can view the placeholders here.
We have support available on the Discord server!
Test Server
If you would like to test the plugin in action, please join Say you're there to try the plugin!
Dev Builds
Edgy? Check out the Jenkins server for up to date builds!


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