Train repair command #218

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to lenis0012
  • _ForgeUser15814391 created this issue Jul 26, 2014

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    A typed command (/train repair) that will look for signs and detector regions in the area and either re-create them or repair the region so that the plugin works properly again. This should also detect signs that are no longer present (deleted by another mod) and clean them up as well to reduce memory use.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    On occasions where the server or plugin crashes, I've noticed that the detector regions managed by train carts stop working altogether. This means that I have to go underground, find all of the detector signs, and recreate them to get them to trigger properly. There are also scenarios where I use worldedit (or similar plugins) to delete a region that has signs in it, but don't trigger an object destruction properly. What I would like is a command that would compare the area around me (in a radius) with what the plugin thinks should be there and re-syncs them without me having to go in and re-create all of the signs.

    Bonus: if it also detected minecarts in the area that are not managed by the plugin and automatically deleted them (this sometimes happens when the server crashes).

  • _ForgeUser15814391 added the tags New Enhancment Jul 26, 2014
  • _ForgeUser15814391 edited title Jul 26, 2014

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