TrainCarts Development has moved to SpigotMC.
You can get the new versions at the following URL:
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Plugin: TrainCarts - Linked Minecarts, sign-redstone systems, easy to use and realistic
Version: v1.73.0
Build: 1.7.2 R0.1/R0.2
Incompatible with: RailCraft
This plugin looks for suitable Minecarts and links them together if possible. When two Minecarts are being "linked", the Minecarts will act as one single moving train.
Once carts are successfully linked, an effect is played and their velocity is shared in combination with an individual factor for each Minecart, which is used to remain a steady gap between carts. This gap is adjustable, the force at which this happens as well.
End result: a train! You can move it, make a roller-coaster out of it, split it in half, watch trains collide, whatever you want to do with trains. :)
As for 1.21, it is also possible to safely exit your train by setting an exit offset with a (sideways) push factor for the train. This feature is disabled by default. (only affects dropped items). If you want to display arrival times on signs (see redstone circuit part) you need SignLink, see the downloads on the bottom of the page.
As for 1.35 you can set train properties to make 'special' trains, or to 'finalize' a train
For configuration, permissions and how-to's, see the Wikipedia page (it is rather long):
Note that I would prefer having comments, bug reports and others in the main Bukkit page, since I visit that site the most. :)
Special Addons for TrainCarts
- Link minecarts using collision: no commands needed to make a train
- Move trains as easily as you would with single Minecarts
- Store trains to file for persistence during reloads and server restarts
- Use sign-redstone circuits for subway systems, complete railroads and much more
- Station to gracefully stop and launch trains
- Spawn
- Teleport
- Property setters
- Tag systems to switch certain tracks based on tags on the train
- Destination systems to make your train travel to far-away lands all on it's own
- Supports Minecart Mania's features
- Infinite minecart speeds are possible
- Push-away: Push mobs, players and items away from your trains to keep them running
- Everything is configurable, if something proves not to be, I will make it that way
When players are near, trains reach their destinations. With no one near, they don't. What do I do?
By default trains do not keep chunks loaded, and they will unload once they move into unloaded chunks. To make trains keep the chunk area (and themselves) around them loaded, set the 'keepchunksloaded' property to True. This can be done using the /train keepchunksloaded true command, using a property sign or by changing it to true in the DefaultTrainProperties.yml file. For more information about train properties, see here.
Why not boats?!?!
If you have another plugin that performs similar Minecart replacement techniques, it is likely that TrainCarts will not function or function poorly. For the 'chunk persistence' part of this plugin, other plugins that unload chunks without firing events result in this feature failing. Minebackup is known for having this problem.
This plugin sends server count statistics to You can (globally) opt out in the PluginMetrics/config.yml file.
If anyone is wondering, TrainCarts for MC 1.8.8 - MC 1.12.1 is available on Spigot. That version with latest BKCommonLib also on Spigot supports both Spigot server and CraftBukkit server.
I no longer actively monitor this page.
I will update this page accordingly, including a redirect.
please update to 1.12.1, i like to see the plugin for later versions
Idk how to get the plugin working, I installed it for my McProHosting server and I found it on the plugins pages but it doesn't work. Can you tell me the server type for it to work and the server version?
In reply to Asdflunyt:
Pls help i cant spawn any minecarts im trying to place and they wil be removed and i will hear an arrow sound can someone help?
I Installed the Plugin but when i put the sign down nothing happens someone help pls
the problem may be very complex,you know, one is "plugin" and the other is "mod",the plugin just use the the original game function to make more. But the mod can add more thing to the game,so that mean some "mod" function can't be control and be used to plugin.
Hello,I'm a server owner from China,Ignore my poor English:( I want to setup a railway server and I need this plugin to connect my train and need switch railroad in RailCraft. Why this plugin are Incompatible with RailCraft?Can you solve this problem in next version? Thank you very much.
Is there a way to force two carts to link?
It dont work do i need some plugins?
Here you go:
Traincarts for 1.8
Please update! :( Doesn't work on 1.8.8.
I understand everything and all seems to work fine using 1.8.8. My question is, and it may not be related to this plugin itself, but how could I go about protecting parts of rail system that are not within protected world guard regions?
For example, I want to link Spawn to another player's town. I lay down some track but it has to cross wilderness where anyone can build. Does TrainCarts have a built-in feature that will protect the tracks between two stations or is there another method I could utilize?
I started a unofficial subreddit. Plugin staff, just message me if you want to take over and make it official.
what version are you using?
pls for 1.7.10 pls
Is there a bug or fix, whenever I make TrainCart signs they don't even work, I'm on a mac.