With this plugin, you can collect Trading cards through a variety of different ways. From mob drops to spending time on the server. You can collect them and trade them with your friends! There are card binders that you can store your cards in! The lore of the card binders will automatically update to show you how many cards are in each binder.
UPDATE v1.0.4 has Default Cards!
If you are using NoLagg, make sure you either disable item stacking or exclude BOOK and PAPER from being stacked. Otherwise, users will be able to stack multiple cards together to get a whole stack of one card.
GITHUB - Please check out the Github for source code and to track progress on updates!
1.1 Planned
- Crafting perms
- Block card drops
- Card Decks
- Economy support
- Per-Mob drop chances
- If you have more suggestions add them HERE.
Bleeding Edge/Testing
For Bleeding edge builds, contact me on skype: travja4 and make sure that you include TradingCards in your invite request :D
This is how to craft a card binder:
Quote from Travja:NOTE: To craft say a Card Binder 2, simply put a Card Binder 1 and a regular book inside a crafting table, this will create a Card Binder 2. For 3, put in a 2 and a book. So on! :D
This is how to craft cards of varying rarities:
Have a feature request?
Add it here:
Commands are as follows:
- /tc help - Displays help page!
- /tc list - Shows a list of available cards
- /tc create <Card Name> <Type> <Series> <Attack> <Defense> <Rarity> [Details] - Creates a new card!
- /tc edit <Card Name> <Property> <Property Value> - Edits the card, properties are Type, Series, ATK, DEF, Rarity, and Details
- /tc delete <Card Name> - Deletes the given card! THIS REMOVES ALL DATA FROM THE CARD AND YOU CAN NO LONGER USE IT!
- /tc rename <Card Name> <New Name> - Renames the new card!
- /tc reload - Reloads the plugin!
- /tc give <Card Name> - Gives you the specified card!
- /tc giveaway - Gives all online players a random card!
Permissions are:
tradingcards.*: description: Gives full access to trading cards default: op children: tradingcards.reward: true tradingcards.give: true tradingcards.giveaway: true tradingcards.create: true tradingcards.rename: true tradingcards.delete: true tradingcards.reload: true tradingcards.reward: description: Gives ability to get card every x hours default: true tradingcards.give: description: Gives ability to use /tc give <name> default: op tradingcards.giveaway: description: Grants access to /tc giveaway default: op tradingcards.create: description: Grants access to /tc create default: op tradingcards.rename: description: Grants access to /tc rename and /tc edit default: op tradingcards.delete: description: Grants access to /tc delete default: op tradingcards.reload: #Coming SOON! :D description: Grants access to /tc reload default: op
Configuration is as follows:
# default config.yml ################################################# # \/\/\/\/ This is all you should really care about! #Cards: # List: # - Pikachu # - Pika # Rarity: # Common: # - Pikachu # Uncommon: # - Pika # defaults: # After creating cards, this is a list of cards that will automatically show up in a players binder # - Pikachu # - Pika ################################################# Reward: # How often all online players should be given a card (Minutes) Time: 60 # What rarity of card should be given Rarity: Common # When using programmed crafting item, this rarity of card should be crafted # You can add say Apple and a rarity and then can use Apples to craft # You MUST make the first letter capital and the following lowercase Crafting: Leather: Common Iron_ingot: Uncommon Gold_ingot: Rare Diamond: Ultra-Rare # % out of 100 that a card will drop from the mob, and then what type of mob will drop what rarity of card. Drops: Hostile: Chance: 5 BLAZE: Ultra-Rare CAVE_SPIDER: Uncommon CREEPER: Rare GHAST: Ultra-Rare MAGMA_CUBE: Rare SILVERFISH: Uncommon SKELETON: Common SLIME: Uncommon SPIDER: Common WITCH: Ultra-Rare WITHER_SKELETON: Rare ZOMBIE: Common Neutral: Chance: 10 ENDERMAN: Rare PIG_ZOMBIE: Uncommon WOLF: Uncommon Passive: Chance: 3 BAT: Uncommon CHICKEN: Common COW: Common MUSHROOM_COW: Rare PIG: Common SHEEP: Common SQUID: Common VILLAGER: Common Bosses: Chance: 100 ENDER_DRAGON: Ultra-Rare WITHER: Ultra-Rare # DEFAULT CARDS, You can add to this for your own cards or use the in-game commands! Cards: List: - Ponyta - Charmander - Beldum - Pidgey - Regigigas - Gyarados - Seel - Pikachu - Kabutops Rarity: Common: - Ponyta - Charmander - Pidgey - Seel - Pikachu Rare: - Regigigas Ultra-Rare: - Gyarados Uncommon: - Beldum Ponyta: Type: Fire Series: 2007 ATK: '30' DEF: '60' Rarity: Common Details: A Basic Fire Pokemon Charmander: Type: Fire Series: 2008 ATK: '30' DEF: '50' Rarity: Common Details: A Basic Fire Pokemon Beldum: Type: Metal Series: 2007 ATK: '30' DEF: '50' Rarity: Uncommon Details: A Basic Metal Pokemon Pidgey: Type: Normal Series: 2007 ATK: '20' DEF: '50' Rarity: Common Details: A Basic Normal Pokemon Regigigas: Type: Normal Series: 2008 ATK: '60' DEF: '100' Rarity: Rare Details: A Rare Normal Pokemon Gyarados: Type: Water Series: 2006 ATK: '80' DEF: '90' Rarity: Ultra-Rare Details: A Ultra-Rare Water Pokemon, Weak to electricity Seel: Type: Water Series: 1995 ATK: '10' DEF: '60' Rarity: Common Details: A Basic Water Pokemon Pikachu: Type: Electricity Series: 2008 ATK: '40' DEF: '70' Rarity: Common Details: A Basic Electric Pokemon Kabutops: Type: Electricity Series: 2006 ATK: '40' DEF: '100' Rarity: Ultra-Rare Details: Very Rare Electric Pokemon defaults: - Charmander - Pidgey - Seel
If you want more awesome plugins, be sure to hit this button
More information will be added as Development increases! For now, post your suggestions! :D
Hey all! For anyone that sees this, this project is now open-source and on Github! Feel free to pop on over there and take a look. I'm going to be working on updating and optimizing some things as this project was started in the adolescent ages of my programming. I've learned a lot since then. But if you can decipher the cryptic code and want to work on a feature or compile your own build, feel free to do so.
Can u make this to 1.9 or 1.8 please!
Please continue development on this plugin! It works amazingly, except for one thing; Normal non-op'ed players cant open the card binder. Is there a permission specifically to open the card binder?
If people still have an interest in this, I'll continue to develop. It's been a while but I do have a half sorted Duel system and Decks are in the works. I just don't know if I should continue this or not.
Through Email? If so, what is your email? I can't seem to attach a file to a PM. And If I am acting like an idiot, its because I don't use this sight for anything but downloads, pretty much, so I am unfamiliar with this web sights widgets, and such. Thanks for being so helpful!
Could you PM me your config file?
Like this you mean?
Bear: Type: Nature Series: The-Woods ATK: '1' DEF: '3' Rarity: Common Details: Just a bear Do note, that each one of these is one a separate line, but it will not show, for some reason.
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond. Your formatting for the card info is a little confusing. I'm not sure if it's right in the file, but each card should be it's own entry with the information on a new line.
I have two questions; 1: What does "After creating cards, this is a list of cards that will automatically show up in a players binder" mean? 2: This plugin worked yesterday, but did only the standard Pokemon cards, none of the cards I added. (I was testing how the cards looked, and had a spare hour to configure things, so I added a tonne of new cards, and removed the old "Defaults".) Then I realized that I didn't have text where "After creating cards, this is a list of cards that will automatically show up in a players binder" mean" ended, so I added a list of all of the cards (is that what your supposed to do there?) and now the plugin plain out doesn't work. This is my configuration (I was basing it off of hearthstone, because one of my friends loves it: Let me know if you can help! Thanks! ~ Icevault (#Note: I have tried removing the defaults on the end, which did nothing, and I do have spacing, though it doesn't show it. And I'm sorry this is so long.)
How would I disable the crafting?
Also I want to set custom attributes. Are the current ones required? And if not how do I modify the format display?
This seems to work fine on Spigot 1.8 fyi
I have a question. Is there anyway to do commands through Command Blocks / Buycraft? If not, will there be a way in the future?
- Thanks
Not sure quite what the problem would be, do you have any errors in the console?
Currently when I download the plugin and put it in my plugins folder, it makes no folder for the plugin itself. I am running 1.7.9.
Great to here your still around. Looking most forward to the addition of decks and boosterpacks.
Great to see you have a battle base down.
Great plugin Travja! Keep up the good work! We're all really looking forward to the addition of battles on our 1.7.9 server!
Yeah, I'm slowly working on battles and things. Currently pretty busy with work and school, but I'll get there eventually. And custom variables would be cool :D
Waiting for the day when battling support is finally added! :D Also, could you add support for custom variables on cards? That way each server could have their own statistics, some could add special attack, etc. while others may just want to have attack and health.
Server version shouldn't matter. Not much has changed, if you run into any problems running 1.7.x then just tell me
It has to be 1.6. On the download page it says the version of craftbukkit needed for it. ("CB 1.6.2-R0.1")