Get the conversation started with TopicOfTheDay!
What it is: A simple plugin that shows a topic to players when they log in, encouraging them to engage in conversation. Great for breaking the ice on community servers.
How it works: When the server starts up, it grabs a random topic from config, then when players log in, they are shown this topic. Want a different topic? You can reroll your topic at any time to get the conversation going again.
Commands & Permissions: Base command: /topic or /totd
- /totd - Displays the current topic. Permission: totd.view | Default: true
- /totd help - Displays all available commands for this plugin. Permission: | Default: true
- /totd reroll - Changes the current topic to a random new topic from config. Permission: totd.reroll | Default: op | Alias: /totd rr
- /totd add <new topic...> - Adds a new topic to config. Permission: totd.add | Default: op | Alias: /totd a <new topic...>
- /totd remove <old topic...> - Removes an old topic from config. Permission: totd.remove | Default: op | Alias /totd r <old topic...>
- /totd broadcast - Shows the current topic to all players. Permission: totd.broadcast | Default: op | Alias /totd b
- /totd reload - Reloads the config. Permission: totd.reload | Default: op | Alias /totd rl
Questions, comments, issues? Visit our forum to get in touch with us!