/applyUpgrade <upgrade> (Player)
> Apply an upgrade to the item the Player is holding
/removeUpgrade <upgrade> (Player)
> Remove an upgrade from the item the player is holding
/upgrade <upgrade> (Player)
> Get a certain upgrade Item
/upgradeRecipe (before v1.1)
/upgradeRecipe <upgrade>
> Open a Recipe View for an Upgrade
/upgradeRecipe (since v1.1)
/upgradeRecipe show <recipe>
> Open a Recipe View for an Upgrade Recipe
/upgradeRecipe reset (confirm)
> Reset Upgrade Recipes to default
/upgradeRecipe delete <recipe>
> Delete an Upgrade Recipe
/upgradeRecipe create <upgrade> <type> custom_recipe_id
> Create an Uprade Recipe
-> Types:
- SHAPED (Crafting Recipe where the layout matters)
- SHAPELESS (Crafting Recipe where the layout doen't matter)
- SMELTING (Furnace Recipe)
- BLASTING (Blast Furnace Recipe)
- SMOKING (Smoker Recipe)
> The custom_recipe_id is a unique identifier for the created recipe
Upgrade Application
(v1.1 and below)
Upgrade Crafting (default Recipes)
Auto Smelting (Tools):
> Automatically smelts Blocks you break
Ender Mask (Helmet):
> Prevents Enderman from attacking you when you look at them
Fadeless (Tools, Weapons & Armor):
> Prevents Items from being lost on death
Life Bonus (Armor):
> Gain extra hearts
Magnetism (Tools & Weapons):
> Get Mob and Block Drops directly in your inventory
Mob Capture (Tools & Weapons):
> Allows you to capture a mob in your Item
> Shift + RightClick on Spawner to change Type
Multi Miner (Tools):
> Mine multiple Blocks at once
> Shift + Break to mine only one block
Silky (Tools):
> Mine blocks that you normally can't mine
> Currently only supporting Spawners and Dragon Eggs
Soft Fall (Boots):
> Prevents you from taking Fall Damage
Teleportation (Tools & Weapons):
> Sword: Allows you to use a short range teleport (shift + rightClick)
> Bow: Teleport to arrow destination
(Since v1.2) ------------------------------------------
Enchantment Relocation (Book):
> Allows you to extract enchantments from items
> Used in Grindstone
Celestial (Armor):
> Enables the ability to fly when applied on all armor pieces
> Defines the maximum amount of blocks that can be broken at once
> Defines the range you can teleport with the teleportation upgrade (only effects swords)
(since v1.2)
> Determines whether blocks like grass or stone should be replaced when hitting the ground too hard
> Determines whether the player should lose xp while flying
> The amount of xp drained from the player per block when flying
> Determines whether the player should take fall damage while wearing celestial armor
As of version 1.20.4 I am unable to use items
Is it possible to make it so the health bonus is congfigurable?
I like the plugin but I've got a couple of things/bugs that should be changed/fixed. (I'm using 1.20.1)
Unable to put upgrade items into the chest
Possibly a config to enable/disable magnetism against other players (I have a grave plugin that makes it so other people can't take their things but the magnetism cancels that)
Enchantment relocation doesn't exactly work. Only in creative can I put the item into the grindstone and it doesn't really have an explanation to how it works or takes of the enchant off of an item.