

ToolRemains Logo by xDizasterCYx



ToolRemains is a light-weight plugin which I find should be an addition to minecraft in and of itself. When an item is broken, some of its base components will be given to the player. For example, if I were to break a diamond chestplate, there is a chance that it will return to me 0 - 5 diamond gems. This is only for players and should not affect other entities. There are a few tools that are not supported for remains yet such as flint and steel, shears, and chain armour. All other breakable items are supported and will return a few of the respective items. It is impossible to return all raw crafting items (Ex: You will never get 8 diamonds upon breaking a diamond chestplate)

Future Plans

Future Plans:

Due to this plugin being very small and light-weight, there aren't a whole lot of planned changes. If you have any suggestions, please let me know whether it's in a ticket, or in the comments. A ticket would be much preferred though



This plugin using Metrics to send basic, anonymous server information to a website known as This specific plugin will send information to If you would like to see the information your server is giving, please visit that website. If you do not agree with the information being sent to metrics, you may disable it under the Plugins -> PluginMetrics -> Config.yml file and set "" to true

Remains Guide

Remains Guide:

If you would like a list of all items that have a possibility of giving a remain, and what their remains may have a chance of being, please view the following page:

Bugs, Suggestions and Improvements

Bugs, Suggestions and Improvements:

Perhaps you have an idea for something that should be added? An idea to improve my plugin at all? Or maybe you just have a bug that I couldn't seem to figure out. If you have anything listed above, make a ticket! I get e-mail notifications for when you create a ticket, and I will get to those a lot faster than a comment on my post. That also helps me organize many of the suggestions and bugs I've had in previous versions. Tickets are always preferred over comments, but if you just wanna be nice and rate this plugin based on your usage, feel free to leave a comment instead

Social Media Updates

Social Media Updates:

I have created a Twitter account specifically for development updates and feature sneak peeks for all of my plugins. I will be posting updates about where I'm at on plugin updates, and open to suggestions on this social media website. If you have a Twitter account and would like to get in contact with me, my development Twitter handle is @2008Minecraft It will be full of sneak peeks for you all to drool at until I fully release it. You'll also get tweets every time I publish an update for a plugin, so keep an eye on that as well ;) Social media is not a necessary, but only optional if you want to know a few things before others do.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 17, 2015
  • Last Released File
    Mar 12, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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