
ToastySafer v0.0.2

Minecraft Server plugin to burn the safers!

Safeline campers got your server down? Well here is the perfect solution! Fire in the hole!

Uses WGRegionEvents


Your CraftBukkit server must be running WorldGuard. I have tested against 5.8 but it should work on 5.9 as well.


Once the plugin has been installed and your server is up and running, you need to create a region for each safeline you want to be ToastySafer activated. To do this select a start and end block with your WorldGuard //wand. You may choose to do something like //expand 3 u to increase the hight of the region. Next you do /region define <safeline name>.

For now, your safeline name must follow this convention: "safeline" + one optional alpha-numeric character.

So "safeline", "safeline1" and "safelinea" should all be valid safeline names.


Create config to provide customizable setFireTicks and Time to Ignite as well as the ablity to flag any region with any name as a safe zone.

Source on Github


Inspired by Bron4 @ JailHousBlox Thanks to Bron4 and all the Guards at JailHouseBlox


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