TNAPVP 1.2.9


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  • Uploaded
    Apr 1, 2015
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    20.94 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


Latest Changes (1.2.9)

  • Adjusted some of the teleporting/spawning options.
  • Joining a team you're already a part of will teleport you to its spawn point.
    • This is good for lobbies, so players can re-use the /tnapvp join command blocks
  • Added /tnapvp home [player] command, so command blocks can also /tnapvp home @p

Do not get TNAPVP 1.2.8

Previous Updates


  • Just a quick one after some serious testing (thanks testers!)
  • Added a /tnapvp home option so players can jump back to their team spawn point at any time
  • Fixed a few lazy bugs.


  • Added a spawn option for your team.
  • If the team you join has a spawn set, you are automatically teleported to the spawn point when you join the team.
  • This needs testing/to be fleshed out so players can keep going back to the spawn point.
    • If you find any bugs, let me know! Crashes, etc, all important. This hasn't been thoroughly tested (hence BETA).


  • Team chat looks a LOT neater now (ooo, pretty colors).
  • Fix a bug reported where Arrows fired from team-mates could still cause damage.

    If there's enough interest in the Team Leader option (vote for the ticket and comment), I'll add it for 1.3.0.
    I will improve the efficiency of the new /tc command, I really don't like what I had to do to get it working for OPs.


  • Team Chat! Join a team, then use /tc
  • OPs (and those with tnapvp.*) see all team chat
  • This will interfere with other plugins that use the /tc command
  • Notifications added when a player either joins or leaves the team you're on


  • You'll notice teams are sorted alphabetically. Its there on purpose. (5% Efficiency gain!)
  • Player names in each team are sorted alphabetically. Serves no real purpose, just cosmetic
  • Some commands are missing from /tnapvp help. Like /tnapvp add [team] [color]. Took them out to make the help menu easier to read
  • Added a rename option (OPs only). /tnapvp rename [teamtochange] [newteamname] <[color]> ([color] optional, default is white)
    • Cannot rename a team to the same name or an existing teamname
    • If you want to change team color, rename the team (to something random), then rename the team again with the proper name/color combination
  • Speaking of color change, [color] accepts '&codes' now too, so /tnapvp add Aqua aqua is the same as /tnapvp add Aqua &b
  • Fixed the out of place comma appearing at the end of team lists


  • When you try to switch into a locked team, you are no longer kicked from your current team (though you probably should be, traitor!)
  • Removed '(*) Indicates locked team' message if there are no locked teams from /tnapvp list.
  • Added permission tnapvp.unlock to It made sense in the long run, so the 2 commands doesn't get happen every server reset anyway (reset, remove team)


  • Worked out how the permissions work
  • Added permission that allows you to set up, but not clean up (access to all except unlock, remove, reset)
  • Slight code changes to make code easier to read/understand


  • Added a Team lock/unlock system, to prevent players joining a team with /tnapvp join [teamname]
    • This does not prevent /tnapvp join [teamname] [playername] so you can still add people in
  • Added a Add/Remove Team option, allowing OPs to create their own custom teams (should you feel color names inadequate)
    • Remember that TNAPVP is non-permanent, so every /tnapvp reset, server /reset or /reload will give you back the original 6 teams.
    • You can add a color to your team when you created it by /tnapvp add [teamname] [color] (bukkit: red, green, dark_cyan, light_purple, etc)


First beta release to general public

  • Message indicating you're already part of the team if you try to join the team you're already in
  • Permissions have a standard state, see caveats
  • Fixed a few formatting errors

No outstanding issues with this release. Feel free to raise tickets if something isn't working.