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    Jan 16, 2015
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


Latest Changes (1.2.0)

  • You'll notice teams are sorted alphabetically. Its there on purpose. (5% Efficiency gain!)
  • Player names in each team are sorted alphabetically. Serves no real purpose, just cosmetic
  • Some commands are missing from /tnapvp help. Like /tnapvp add [team] [color]. Took them out to make the help menu easier to read
  • Added a rename option (OPs only). /tnapvp rename [teamtochange] [newteamname] <[color]> ([color] optional, default is white)
    • Cannot rename a team to the same name or an existing teamname
    • If you want to change team color, rename the team (to something random), then rename the team again with the proper name/color combination
  • Speaking of color change, [color] accepts '&codes' now too, so /tnapvp add Aqua aqua is the same as /tnapvp add Aqua &b
  • Fixed the out of place comma appearing at the end of team lists

    If there's enough interest in the Team Leader option (vote for the ticket and comment), I'll add it for 1.3.0.

Previous Updates


  • When you try to switch into a locked team, you are no longer kicked from your current team (though you probably should be, traitor!)
  • Removed '(*) Indicates locked team' message if there are no locked teams from /tnapvp list.
  • Added permission tnapvp.unlock to It made sense in the long run, so the 2 commands doesn't get happen every server reset anyway (reset, remove team)


  • Worked out how the permissions work
  • Added permission that allows you to set up, but not clean up (access to all except unlock, remove, reset)
  • Slight code changes to make code easier to read/understand


  • Added a Team lock/unlock system, to prevent players joining a team with /tnapvp join [teamname]
    • This does not prevent /tnapvp join [teamname] [playername] so you can still add people in
  • Added a Add/Remove Team option, allowing OPs to create their own custom teams (should you feel color names inadequate)
    • Remember that TNAPVP is non-permanent, so every /tnapvp reset, server /reset or /reload will give you back the original 6 teams.
    • You can add a color to your team when you created it by /tnapvp add [teamname] [color] (bukkit: red, green, dark_cyan, light_purple, etc)


First beta release to general public

  • Message indicating you're already part of the team if you try to join the team you're already in
  • Permissions have a standard state, see caveats
  • Fixed a few formatting errors

No outstanding issues with this release. Feel free to raise tickets if something isn't working.