This plugin adds a simple and easy to use title system that is based on permissions. Titles are added to players by assigning a unique permission for every title and allowing the player to choose which title is displayed.
- Titles tied to permissions node
- Players able to change their titles
- /title help
- /title list
- /title set <title>
- titlemanager.admin.*
- titlemanager.admin.reload
- titlemanager.title.<title>
Put the TitleManager.jar into Bukkit's plugins folder. Configurations are setup automatically.
Standard Config is created automatically.
Special Thanks
This plugin was based on the original EasyTitles plugin that went dead over a year ago. I made this plugin to support titles on my skyblock world.
Der står guest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MobHunting does now use TitleManager. Thank you for a great API.
Is there a way to create custom titles just wondering .
is there a way to create them in game ?
(if not it's a suggestion to add it :) )
Please Update to 1.8. Plssss
Honestly I haven't tried it with the prefix. We turned prefixes off (blank) then use this. I'll post a screenshot tomorrow showing the title and how you can change formatting of the title itself and the chat string after.
Can we add multiple titles? Does this replace the prefix given from their group, or adds to it?
Added the first public version. Currently running on my server. Please let me know if you encounter any issues.