TitanChat is a chat management and formatting plugin, its high flexibility is what makes it special. Instead of having a large bulk of hardcoded supports for other plugins, an addon system was implemented so that addons, custom channels and external commands can be coded to support other plugins and add new features. The built in commands in TitanChat help make your chat management task easier. Channels can also be disabled to have your old global Minecraft chat, but giving you more control over chat.
Currently busy with school, but v5.0.0 is still being worked on.
TitanChat v4.1.0 will be the latest until the rewrite is completed to release v5.0.0. This rewrite is started due to the messiness of adding new features and functions, even though v4.0 should have improved it a lot. This should not be an impact to users since this is not a usage change, although the command system will be overhauled to become easier to understand. Sorry in advance for the lack of releases for the time being, and thank you in advance for your understanding.
- High flexibility
- Easy to understand and use
- Channels with per-channel configuration available (Channels can be disabled in config.yml)
- Built-in commands to manage your chat
- Supports any permissions plugins that uses SuperPerms or is supported by Vault
- bPermissions
- PermissionsEx
- DroxPerms
- PermissionsBukkit
- SuperPerms
- GroupManager
- Privileges
- zPermissions
- Addons, custom channels and external commands can be used to support any kind of plugin, creating channels with different kind of behaviours and adding new features
- Download TitanChat
- Place in plugins folder
- Start up to load default configuration
- Configure
- Done!
- Note: TitanChat uses Plugin Metrics which would be loaded automatically
- CraftBukkit 1.5.2-R0.1
- Vault (Required only for affixes of permissions plugins)
Essential Knowledge about TitanChat
Essential Knowledge about TitanChat
There are things that you should know about TitanChat before you use it, it usually solves your problems.
Detailed information about TitanChat commands can be found on the "Commands" page.
Command | Description |
Blacklist | Edit or view the blacklist of the channel |
Chat | Send the message to the channel |
Create | Create a channel |
Debug | Enable/Disable the debugger |
Delete | Delete a channel |
Demote | Demote the player in the channel |
Direct | Direct focus to the channel |
Emote | Emote in the channel |
Help | Get information about TitanChat |
Ignore | Edit or view the ignore list |
Join | Join the channel |
Kick | Kick the player from the channel |
Leave | Leave the channel |
List | Get list of permitted channels |
Place | Place the player in the channel |
PM | Private messaging |
Promote | Promote the player in the channel |
Reload | Reload TitanChat |
Whitelist | Edit or view the whitelist of the channel |
Who | Get information about the player |
Detailed information about TitanChat permissions can be found on the "Permissions" page.
Permission | Description |
TitanChat.auto.join.<channel> | Automatically joins the channel on login |
TitanChat.auto.leave.<channel> | Automatically leaves the channel on login |
TitanChat.blacklist.<channel> | Grants permission to edit and view the blacklist of the channel |
TitanChat.create | Grants permission to channel creation |
TitanChat.debug | Grants permission to debug TitanChat |
TitanChat.delete | Grants permission to channel deletion |
TitanChat.emote | Grants permission to emoting |
TitanChat.join.<channel> | Grants permission to join the channel |
TitanChat.kick.<channel> | Grants permission to kick in the channel |
TitanChat.leave.<channel> | Grants permission to leave the channel |
TitanChat.participate.<channel> | Grants permission to participate in the channel |
TitanChat.privmsg | Grants permission to private messaging |
TitanChat.rank.<channel> | Grants permission to rank in the channel |
TitanChat.reload | Grants permission to reload TitanChat |
TitanChat.speak.<channel> | Grants permission to speak in the channel |
TitanChat.staff | Grants all TitanChat permissions |
TitanChat.update | Notified about updates |
TitanChat.whitelist.<channel> | Grants permission to edit and view the whitelist of the channel |
Detailed information about TitanChat configuration can be found on the "Configuration" page.
Format Tags
Format Tags
Tag | Description |
%chtag | The channel tag |
%colour | The chat display colour |
%display | The display name of the sender |
%message | The message |
%name | The name of the sender |
%prefix | The prefix of the sender |
%suffix | The suffix of the sender |
%world | The world the sender is in |
Some miscellaneous information can be found on the "Miscellaneous" page.
TitanChat ChatAddons
TitanChat ChatAddons
DISCLAIMER: ChatAddons of this project have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
TitanChat ChatAddons can be found at the ChatAddons forum. The author will browse the forums occasionally and moderate it, deleting invalid ChatAddons threads (including, but not limited to, backdoors, vulgarity or inappropriateness, plagiarism, or auto-updating).
- v4.1
- 16.05.13 - TitanChat v4.1 Release
- 15.05.13 - Made commands treat multiple arguments within quotations as one argument
- 14.05.13 - Added TemporaryChannels and some commands
- 13.05.13 - Into v4.1 development and added ignore lists
- v4.0
- 11.05.13 - TitanChat v4.0 Release
- 09.05.13 - Improved private messaging, made commands more descriptive and added emoting
- 07.05.13 - Added help section and private messaging
- 30.04.13 - Fixed bugs
- 11.04.13 - JavaDocs
- 05.04.13 - Ensure that code is compatible with Jenkins
- 22.03.13 - Completed most of the rewrite, completing commands
- 20.03.13 - Completed half of the rewrite, awaiting Bukkit 1.5 Beta Build
- 18.03.13 - Completed some of the rewrite
- 16.03.13 - Scraped v4.0 and rewrite from scratch
- Old Versions
To determine popularity of this plugin, plugin installs are automatically tracked by the Metrics plugin tracking system. If you don't want to help or are paranoid, edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and set opt-out to true.
TitanChat Statistics by Metrics
- Complete basic addons
- Per world and global channels
- Code improvements
DISCLAIMER: Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Feel free to comment and notify me about questions.
And give suggestions on the Forums.
If there are bugs or problems, report them to the Issue Tracker.
Please use Pastebin to paste any stack trace or error, thank you.
The addons are updated. :)
Thank you, it's fixed. Checking for anymore little mistakes like this hiding in the code. :)
looks like the commands are working now, however, Im now getting an error after each command. Its successfully running the command like /tc list and it shows me available channels, but right after I get prompts that read
[TitanChat] Invalid Command [Titan Chat] '/titanchat commands [page]' for commands list
Im running TitanChat v2.1.4 Build #20 on 1.2.3-R0.1
Yes I'm using several addons and supports
I am aware of some of the weird stuff happening with TitanChat and its addons. Currently fixing, reports are welcome.
Are you using any TitanChat addons? I forgot to upload the updated ones.
How can I fix this error? 19:21:06 [SEVERE] Error occurred while disabling TitanChat v2.1.3 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com.titankingdoms.nodinchan.titanchat.support.CustomChannel.unload()V at com.titankingdoms.nodinchan.titanchat.TitanChat.onDisable(TitanChat.java:359) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:217) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.disablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:362) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugins(SimplePluginManager.java:374) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.disablePlugins(CraftServer.java:245) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.stop(MinecraftServer.java:402) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:482) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:490)
Ah, yes. Jenkins forgot to put the YAML files into it when it built the last one. About /tc list, I'll look into it.
R: TitanChat v2.1.3 Build #14 for CB 1.1- http://pastebin.com/A4ssjF7b
I think you forgot to put the channel.yml, config.yml and plugin.yml into the .jar I took it from the old one and put it into the new one, and it seems to load now.
seems like /tc list doesnt work , theres no error message appearing. but nothing comes up ... am I doing the command wrong?
TitanChat supports prefixes. It uses prefixes from permission plugins.
Use these in the format. :)
Can you add a global prefix system so people can have a prefix across all channels and I would like permission nodes to give prefixes so if someone is in a permission group they get the prefix of the group. There are no prefix plugins that I can find that are bukkit 1.1 R6. Thank you.
Thanks for the report, fixed. Now checking for more.
/tc create admin
running bukkit 1-1.R6 pex, iconomy, essentials, vault and some other small ones.
Please leave a link with the stack trace on Pastebin
Anyone else have an error when trying /tc create ? Using 2.1.2
I am aware that commands are not working. Fixed the typo in the code. Please wait while I triple check the code. Sorry for the inconvinience.
I looked around code that I can access. Don't really know which class has the methods to get the information. :|
where did you look? want me to dig around for it?
CraftIRC3Support is updated by me, but it is unable to find the EndPoint in CraftIRC 3. Please make sure you are using CraftIRC 3.
Ah, yes. Eclipse was derping and not compiling everything. Fixing that right now. Sorry for the inconvinience.