Example Configuration

You are going to want to put the Always_Sun.jar in your "Plugins" folder.

Run your server and it will create a new folder called "Always_sun" inside your "Plugins" folder.

Here is a basic configuration file:

# The SpeedMultiplier number is the number you multiply the default speeds by, so 2.0 = double speed

# To freeze the time, use perma = night or perma = day

# To activate debug mode, uncomment the next line.
# debug

world: "noob"
DaySpeedMultiplier: 1.0
NightSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
DuskSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
DawnSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
perma: night

world: "noob_the_end"
DaySpeedMultiplier: 1.0
NightSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
DuskSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
DawnSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
perma: none

world: "nether"
DaySpeedMultiplier: 1.0
NightSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
DuskSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
DawnSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
perma: none

world: "prembuild"
DaySpeedMultiplier: 1.0
NightSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
DuskSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
DawnSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
perma: day

world: "build"
DaySpeedMultiplier: 1.5
NightSpeedMultiplier: 0.5
DuskSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
DawnSpeedMultiplier: 1.0
perma: day


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