Ticket Man
Ticket Man - The only ticket plugin you will ever need!
Ticket Man, was designed to be your complete ticket plugin. A player makes a ticket and it will immediately notify all staff. The staff members will be able to view and tp to the location of the ticket.Once the staff member has fixed the problem they can reply and close the ticket, when the player comes back online they will be informed that there ticket has been completed.
- Mysql
- Custom Web Interface
- Simple To Use
Player commands
- /ticket open (description) - Opens a ticket.
- /ticket view - Shows you the ids of all your open and closed tickets.
- /ticket view (id) - Shows you the information on the ticket id (must be a ticket the player owns).
Staff Commands
Staff needs permission "ticketman.staff" or to be op
- /ticket show - Shows you all the open tickets.
- /ticket player (playername) - Shows you the ids of all the open and closed tickets of (playername).
- /ticket view (id) - Shows you the information on the ticket id (staff can see any ticket).
- /ticket tp (id) - Teleports you to the location the ticket was made.
- /ticket answer (id) (reply) - Replies to the ticket (id) and automatically closes it.
- /ticket register (password) - Registers staff member for webui
please answer fast :(
Can you please send me the error log.
Hi @jonneystechcheck i succesfully setup your plugin on my server. MySQL OK, tables database OK. I am getting error when tryin to register for webui and trying to open a ticket. Sorry for bad english, please help me :(
Hey, thanks for the suggestions, I made this plugin for my server originally so staff can answer tickets with out players knowing the name of staff members so I will not be adding a feature that would stop this. Also each player can have up to 3 open tickets at a time, I will add this to the config next time I update this plugin.
Thank you :) Works perfect!
I was wondering if you where taking suggestions? If so it would be really nice to see on the web interface what player/staff answered a ticket and maybe at what time :). Also a max amount of unanswered tickets a player can have to prevent a player from using tickets as a spam method. Just a suggestion not complaining :)
Hey, you need to put this plugin http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/sqlibrary/ in your plugin folder as well, as Ticket man uses it to connect to mysql databases.
Pluign seems great with a lot of potential! I would love to use this plugin but it doesn`t generate the config file. In the logs it tells me mysql dependency... Lol kind of ironic that i need the config to enter the mysql stuff :P Am i doing something wrong? or may this be a bug?
Hey, You need to type in /ticket register (password) to use the webui :)
Hey! @jonnystechckeck you have made this plugin great already, but it seems that with the WEBUI I am having so issues. I am getting error when trying to login in. Also where do I set the login for the WEBUI. I have the correct MySQL login data in but I have no idea where to set a Username and a Password. On line 17 and 18 I do see username and password but when I tried to set them just as a test, more errors came up. I am going to line the error in a paste-bin so you can explain to me. Of course thats only if you feel like it. Thanks so much already, because my staff members can reply to tickets in game. LINK: http:pastebin.com/njU7sRnG~
Regards, TxS
Uploaded both the webui and the actual plugin, just waiting for approval :)
I agree this looks great, I would be happy to test this for you :-)
Can't Wait!