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    Sep 6, 2011
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1060


v2.2 - Unnecessary update!
fixed tiny bug which shouldn't occur?
changed name of speed modifier for ppl having trouble running
split Speed in Speed_Multiplier and Jump_Multiplier
v2.1 -
Improved running, you won't need to use shift anymore
Higher jumping
Fixed a bug where RPGOverhead couldn't be found
v2.0 - bug fixes:
TheWerewolf would initialize faster than spout
v2.0 - features:
Extending RPGOverhead to enjoy maximum compatibility
added 2 commands + permission nodes to change yourself into a werewolf
v1.5 - bug fixes:
armor wouldn't drop while in hardcore mode
angry wolves captured from other players would attack their new owner
v1.5 - features
splitted hardcore mode in chat-scramble and item-drop in config file
chat-scramble only occurs between wolfs and players (players get the text scrambled)
chat-scramble messages are now editable
insta-friendly of wolves can now be disabled
werewolfs armor will act for every damage source (also fall damage!)
sources can be disabled (armor won't act)
minimum damage of 1 even if armor would lower it to 0
werewolfs growl when other entities target them
v1.3 - Corrected tiny console bug
v1.2 - Implemented some user ideas:
Customizeable items which a werewolf receives extra damage from
Customizeable recipe/cure item
a command, /thewerewolf, to turn the plugin on or off
optional 'hardcore mode'
Werewolfs drop their items and can't pick them up
Werewolfs can't talk, all they do is make beastily noises
v1.1 - Fixed bug where players would never turn after being infected
v1.0 - Initial release!