The HungerGames
Please beware, this plugin is about to be recoded. I need direct/fully completed bug reports in my Tickets section in order to provide a clean, non-buggy build of hungergames. The plugin will be built using a later version of my newest MB-Modules engine located privately on Minebuilders. The recode will start on the 19th, and will continue throughout the rest of the week. I'll try to post status updates, and possible development builds along the way. Be patient!
The HungerGames is a newly developed plugin who strives to be not only the best, but also the most efficient hungergames plugin. It provides advanced kits, spawns, and a very simple arena setup. If you've never heard of the book/movie hungergames, it's basically a free for all. You must hunt for food and items, and attempt to kill others before they kill you. The last man standing wins!
- Auto updating lobbies
- Custom min-players & max-players & timers per arena
- Very lightweight
- Multiple arena support
- Multiverse support
- YAW + Pitch spawn support
- Vault economy support
- Simple arena setup
- Random items
- Smart mob spawning engine
- Highly configurable
- Per-arena settings
- Moderatable games
- Economy support
- Scoreboard support
- Kits
- Factions support
- McMMO support
- World-guard support
How to setup an arena!
- First, exicute "/hg wand". This will toggle our region selection wand!
- Now select 2 points, like so
- When u have to points, you can create! "/hg create <name> <min-limit> <max-limit> <time-limit>"
- Add random spawns "/hg addspawn" (Must have same, or more then max-limit!)
- Set the lobby wall "/hg setlobbywall" (While pointing at first sign!)
- Run the debugger! "/hg debug <arena>"
- Enable the cool options within hungergames/config.yml
- Enjoy!
The arena file gets messed up sometimes, delete it, restart the server,and reset your arenas :) (it is possible to edit it, but depends how many you have set if it is worth doing that)
when i try do add a spawn it says your not in a valid hunger games region and i set it wit hg wand anyone help me thanks
Could you post this on github so I could fix some things? If so, that'd be great!
An update would be nice, this is the best HungerGames / Survival games plugin out there, and I don't want to see it die!!
Ok, thanks! Can you also make it 1.8, and I found a bug in latest version: People can walk of petastols if done right.
Also, add a messages.yml file with every message the plugin outputs, so that we can edit messages! Please!
Re-code started. I honestly can't provide a proper ETA because of how busy i am but it'll defiantly be out before Fallout 4 is released :D!
I'll start re-coding sooon.
How do I add maps?
Just Fixed The Falling Supply Crates!!! YAY now I just need to fix death messages & im so close...
@bob7l Ok the Newest Version Of This Plugin Does Work With 1.8.* but the random drops dont work and the console gets spammed with erros. Also I Have Compiled This Plugin For 1.8 and removed the erros but random drops still need fixing and the compas and player finder stick are broken also death mesages are always the same i had to remove the spcfication because the old method was broken bit this should be an easy fix... Please Update This Great Plugin Yourself Im Shure You Can Because I Got This Far And My Compiled Version Runs Fine Excecp for what I stated above i can also give you my compiled one if you need it for some reason @bob7l...
EDIT: I Also Fixed The Everlasting map regen it now works without the need for reloading the plugin
Could you give us an update on how far are you with updating/re-coding this plugin?
Does This Work WIth 1.8.7 I Hope It Does Because It Was Awesome On My Old 1.7 server! Gonna Test Soon...
Hook us up for 1.8.7!
Still waiting :(
looking forward to it :) Any chance of adding a 'deathmatch' teleport near the end of the timer? It's too easy for players to 'hide' and wait it out. :) This could be back to the start points for ease or even a selectable location :)
YAY! I adore this plugin, but please update for 1.8.6!!
I'm hopefully going to have time to re-code this plugin sometime next week.
too much bugs
That's odd as we rarely have that issue, could it be just a MV inv issue, as we did have that for quite a while, and it does affect other plugins that change inventory.
Yes this plugin will be updated or hopefully rewritten. I haven't had time to maintain any of my plugins and still don't.
No ETA - But this project is not abandoned.