

How to correctly configure item based options!

  • the "enchant:" node allows for enchantments
  • the "name:" node allows for a name (Supports color codes!!)
  • the "lore:" node allows for a item description (Supports color codes!!)
  • the "color:" node allows for colored leather


  • 300 1 enchant:SMITE:5 name:dumb_sword lore:some_bad_sword_i_found?
  • ID amount node:bla

Please note! "_" stands for a space! using space will mess up your kit!

Super-simple program to get the correct values!

General Configuration

(To get player-ratio: (current-players X 10) Divided-by max-players)

(To get vote-ratio: (current-votes X 10) Divided-by current-players)

    forcekit: bowman #If the player doesn't pick a kit in time
    reward: 500 #(Need vault!) Money for winning
    max-chestcontent: 5  #Max items allowed in a single chest
    free-run: 30  #How many seconds until PVP is enabled
    player-ratio: 6 #Player vote ratio to start the game
    vote-ratio: 7  #Voting ratio to start the game
    tracker-recharge: 10 #Time in seconds for the player tracker to recharge
    ratio-for-tracker: 3  #Player alive ratio for the player tracker stick
    deathkick: false #Should the player be kicked from the arena when they die?
    allow-edits: true  #Should blocks be breakable/placeable?
    rollback: true  #Should the plugin rollback the arena when the game ends?
    editable-blocks:  #What blocks should be breakable/placeable?
        - 2
        - 5
        - 4
        - 24
        - 35

Kit Configuration

    bowman: #Name
        helmet: 298 color:red enchant:SMITE:2  name:(Color is ONLY for leather!)
        chestplate: 307 enchant:PROTECTION_PROJECTILE:1
        leggings: 300
        boots: 309 enchant:PROTECTION_PROJECTILE:3
            - 261 1 
            - 262 64
            - 373:8229 2  #ItemID + ItemData + quantity
            - SLOW.1.forever
            - FIRE_RESISTANCE.2.100 # Forever = forever, or you can put an integer

Random Items Configuration

#If the chance is x3, that means it has 3x more likely-hood of appearing inside a chest!
- 272 1 x:5  #Item ID + quantity + chace
- 283 1
- 282 1 x:2
- 291 1 name:stupid_stuff
- 298 1 x:2


Please use /hg kithelp to display all possible nodes!


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