Suggestion: Touraments #16

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7736274
  • _ForgeUser6837580 created this issue Dec 23, 2011

    Suggestion: Tournaments

    I would like to have a tournament system that allows players to enter a tournament arena in rounds they h in PVP matches until only one player/team remains. There are possibly three types of tournaments that players can participate in off the top of my head. A One on One tournament (PvP), a Team Tournament (PvP) and a Survival Tournament (Mobs).

    **Tournament Types**
    I believe that there are two ways of running a tournament within a server.
    1. All Present Tournament
    This option requires that all players participating in the tournament and spectators are present within the instance. A server could schedule and advertise a Tournament every XX minutes. The players have to enter that particular instance to enter the tournament. Once the allotted XX minutes of announcements has occurred all players that have specified that they want to participate by punching the "ready" block are ported into the spectator area. Once ported into spectator area the players commence the admin specified tournament type.

    2. On Going Tournament
    Players must sign up to participate in this tournament.
    Once again an admin specified announcement is made saying they are accepting entries into the upcoming tournament. The admin can specify the type of tournament and the periods; including signup time, starting time and default time. Players have XX hours to sign up for the upcoming tournament.
    Once the signup period is complete the tournament begins by telling the player who their opponent shall be. The players then begin entering instances with their opponents. The players are ported from there current position into the instance and are told to punch the start block at when ready. The players then proceed to battle it out.
    After completion of the match a winner is announced. The admin will specify at the start whether the tournament is a round robin or a knock out. The winner will move on to he next match and the loser will either move on your be removed from the arena and ported to the spectator area.

    The different types of PvP matches:
    1. One on One death match.
    2. One on One best of X (X must be odd)
    3. One on One Mob wave surivival
    4. Team death match
    5. Team best of X (X must be odd)
    6. Team Mob wave survival

    New Tournament - Allows for an instance to be used as a tournament.
    /tc new <templename> <type>  ##Where <type> in this case is "tournament"
    Signup time - Period that the players have to sign up to a tournament in minutes
    /tc setregister <amount>
    Start Time - the time before matches will commence in minutes.
    /tc setstart <amount>
    Default Time - The time (minutes) in which if a player has signed up and is not present the player forfeits.
    /tc setdefault <amount>
    Tournament Type - Either "roundrobin" or "knockout" tournament.
    /tc tourn <type>
    Announcement - announces that a tournament is open for signup, in minutes.
    /tc settellrate <amount>
    Match Style - Either "team" or "solo" matches tournament.
    /tc setstyle <style>
    Match Type - Either "deathmatch", "bestof" or "waves"
    /tc settype <type>
    Entry Fee Applies - Either "true" or "false"
    /tc setfeeactive <true | false>
    Entry Fee - A admin enter variable that the player must pay to enter the tournament.
    /tc setfee <amount>

    - Spectators should be allowed within the instance. With a specific area designated as spectators.
    - There should be a betting system. I have a couple of thoughts around this that I will create in another ticket after Christmas.

  • _ForgeUser6837580 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 23, 2011

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