Multiple Suggestions (Sorry!) #15

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7736274
  • _ForgeUser6837580 created this issue Dec 20, 2011

    My server has been using your plugin for a while. I have some player suggestions.

    A request for players to be able to chose to spectate a specific group within the temple.

    Progression Temples
    A system that requires the player to have completed a specific temple before being allowed into another temple.
    Suggested that a config like:
    Parent: [Templename]

    Entry Conditions
    On the sign that allows entry to a temple include a item number that the player must be holding or clicking the sign with to enter that temple.
    Also a configuration per temple that allows entry to the temple at specific time/trigger intervals.
        - Suggested intervals:
        - Only at night/day
        - Every RL (real life) day
        - Every minecraft day

    A configuration per temple on the number of deaths you are allowed to have before you are kicked from the temple and must start again.
        - Players have been noticing that sometimes you can ignore a lot of temple content and run through to checkpoints. They leave mobs and just attempt to run around them, not caring if they die or not.  A player suggested a death cap to limit the recklessness of a player.

    Repeating Mob Spawns
    Players would like to see specific mob spawners (bedrock) that continually spawn mobs to a set time limit. Allowing players to create rooms that will keep filling with mobs until the player makes there way through that area.
    Not sure how you would implement this. But a valid suggestion.

    A Minimum Players
    Allow temple builders to specify the minimum required players in that temple. We have had a few complaints that players get into a temple and get some of the way through before realising that then can not proceed any further without assistance. So something like max players please.

    On Death Option
    On first death of a section the player spawns at the last check point they had reached
    On second death the player is spawned at the checkpoint before their latest checkpoint.
    And so on until they start at the start again.

    Suggestion for Capture the Flag
    Would it be possible to create another block based command like "chest on gold" as the flag system.
        - The creator creates a lobby and team lobbies for each team.
        - Temple creator sets the flags where they want them. Then the creator puts a different colour cloth block in the chest of each flag.
        - The creator places a sign in the lobby like the classes sign which gets the colours of the cloth in the chests and creates team signs with the colour printed on them which the users can punch to choose.
        - The player on entering chooses a team by punching the sign. They are then taken to the team lobby area. Once everyone has indicated that they are spawned around their own flags.
        - Once the game begins the players attempt to reach the enemies chest area. When the reach it the must take to coloured block out of the enemies flag. When flag is picked up the player can only "hold" that specific block.
        - The player with the flag should be able to drop it using the throw down button.
        - On drop of the flag if the owners of the flag pick up that block it is returned to the chest.
        - The player must take the flag back to their own flag and place it into the chest to score a point. On placing the block into the players flag chest the block is returned to its original chest.

    Victory conditions are met through reaching a custom team score.

  • _ForgeUser6837580 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 20, 2011
  • Kriptini posted a comment Dec 22, 2011

    I agree with all of these suggestions, especially the progression and condition ideas.

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