Create worlds dedicated to adventure maps and mini-games
Great for Jump Maps, Puzzles, Adventures and Arenas!
Hi folks! This plugin is currently no longer being developed for Minecraft 1.8+. While I could continue work for Spigot or similar, I found this plugin to no longer be of mayor use to the feature packed new plugins in the community that do have similar possibilities as TempleCraft did. It was a whole lot of fun to work with/for you all and i will still be available when contacted! - Xarinor
Version v0.47
Bukkit 1.4.7 - 1.6.4-R2.1
->Use /tct save multiple times to make sure the temple is really saved after editing.
Version v0.47.1
Bukkit 1.6 - 1.7
GitHUB / ChangeLog
Vault: 1.2.15+
Supported Plugins:
Multiverse: 2.4-b527+
Heroes: 1.4.7+
plugin idea by HeyItsZenith
-> original Bukkit-Dev page: TempleCraft
Problems with Release-Versions
When you have problems with an Release-Version open a new ticket.
Problems with Alpha-Versions
When you have Problems with an Alpha Version go to the Alpha-Tests Forum and post it the Thread with the same Version-Number which your Version has.
If you just post your findings and errors in the comments you might not get an answer!
If you have a suggestion and think this is really needed then open a Suggestion-Ticket.
Problems with the usage
When you can't get your temples to run properly or don't know how to use TempleCraft, visit our TempleCraft WIKI before asking!
-> Visit the new TempleCraft Wiki
Visit the Temple-Area for downloadable Temples!
Please do not use temples without giving the creator some credits! Gentlemen's Agreement
- Set up temples for other players!
- Click signs or stand over signs underground to join temples!
- Kill monsters and find reward-blocks to get currency and loot (supports Vault)!
- Inventory, Health, FoodLevel, and XP is saved and restored when joining/editing a temple and leaving a temple.
- Multiple game-types (Adventure, Spleef, Arena and Race) for temples.
- > Adventure - Get from point A to point B
- > Spleef - Break the wool blocks from under your opponents feet to win
- > Race - Race against your opponents and your high score
- > Arena - Fight with and/or against other players - No need to worry about waiting to play a temple!
- > Possibility to play multiple games in the same temple at the same time! - No need to deal with setting up regions. TempleCraft uses worlds instead of regions!
- TempleCraft Worlds are removed when they're not in use.
- Use specified Blocks and Signs instead of commands!
- Supports Permissions
- Temples can be edited by their creator at any time.
- > Others can be added to help. - Enter creative mode automatically when editing temples
The original versions were created by HeyItsZenith
"This plugin is based off of garbagemule's plugin MobArena.
Thank you so much for the inspiration and jumping off point!
I couldn't have made this plugin without you :)"
Helpers, Testers and massive Bugfinders
- Thanks for your help =)
A beer for the active developer? Here you go :) [Donate Xarinor]
e.g. If you changed a map's name into" &7Map of Babylon" and put into treasure chest, ideal message should be "...you will get an &7Map of Babylon &2 if ....." the message"...you will get 1 map... "in ver0.64.4 looks wired ;)
Ah, well it just happened again, with the [TC] signs, and I think its when 2 temples are finished within a few seconds of each other, I'm not entirely sure though
Aye this sir is a lot.. ;) It still should work tough i see. But i cannot test or reproduce it in any way. I did change the syntax for the end timer in a temple. We'll see if it has something to do with this as the error output was clearly bukkit sided and must be something that i implemented wrongly. Hmm /tct newgame would not make a big difference, i think the best is to use [TC] Signs to click on. TCS signs are clearly my faforite tough :)
Do you mean the item list when a treasure is found? I did change it a bit so that the itemlist works properly now and removed the summary at the end. I did not change the list that is given out on treasureblock-findings. I will change the bugs like "you found 2 inc sacs, 10 inc sacs and 15 inc sacs in the block" but this also is no really urgent fix.
Can the game.treasureMessage can show the actual item names as we see?I mean show the names in NBT labels 0.0
Well, I'm not 100% sure, but here are a couple things that "happened" right before it started lagging.
People spam click the end block
Starting a new game in 2 temples at the same time
Editing and saving a temple, while another one is being opened
Those are my assumptions though, and yes, it has happened a lot, 4 times today, with only 56 people online, but only 20 doing temples.
Would making players use /tct newgame be better then using [TCS] Signs?
To be honest, i do not see from ehere the bug comes as of now, i will do my best to prevent it.
Do you have seen the bug multiple times since the first time? And if yes, do you have an idea what could've been same all those times? (Same temple, many people online etc.) Like i said, i did never get that exact error and also couldnt reproduce it. For now i'm pretty sleepy, i'll look deeper into it tomorrow ;) (CH)
Edit: It could be that i'm removing an element while iterating over it so it would've nothing to do with bukkit.. We'll see
Ok sweet, is there a quick fix I can do while I wait for the next release? Like removing bosses, or making the [TCS] signs above ground?
I just looked at this problem today. I never had it after server completion but sometimes on bosses or when starting a temple from a tcs sign underground. Its a problem with the ticks of a task getting out of line.. I will work on a fast fix for the next alpha/beta version.
But your error looks like its not trown from templecraft directly so i assume that tc has just caused huge lag that trew the server over..
I also got another issue, sorry for bothering you, but sometimes when my players complete the temples, it lags the server, then crashes it, this is the error message BEFORE it crashes.
Yeah, then i pasted a chat log under it, players claiming it lags, then it just crashes
There currently are no rewards aside the rankings on a scoreboard. When i get to polish the gamemodes other then adventure i will add some. Focus is adventure ;)
Yes this is absolutely possible as i tested it with exactly this plugin. Just trow the item you wanr into the reward chest (chest on iron block). Best to use the latest alpha version for this as there was a bug with rewards beforehand.
Is possible to make Diablodrops (style items as reward? :) (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/diablodrops/)
Ok thanks, I thought there would be different commands and things, but how do I give the winner for race a reward
I just have implemented some other stuffs we cannot use yet, when bukkit releases a new build we will be ready to go (mostly).
Use the latest alpha version until then it should be really as stable as the RB.
Coming additions will be:
- Defeated bosses can put a redstonetorch underground to trigger a door or similar.
- Preventing TC Mobs from despawning
- Equiping Custom bosses in the bosses config file (and maybe from chest)
- Skeleton types support
- Most likely baby mobs - ...
You can let other plugins take over the job to manage the player inventories by checking the option manageinventory: false in the config file.
You will have to do some workarounds for full functionality like adding rewards tough i fear..
A good method since 0.45.6 should be to give each temple a finishlocation and add loot chests or quest npcs there so that only players that complete the temple can get there. ;)
i was wondering is there a way to have it where inv are saved from a different world using mvinv
I just now submitted a new beta build that should be save to use!
New reload and clean commands included.
/tct clean doesn't work everytime, report your findings in the alpha thread!
Another version will follow up those days as im on it, keep your eyes open! ;)
Sry guy for lettin you wait that long but i had much stuff to do and ran into library problems, therefore i havent compiled the plugin in your java version yet.
I have the code open on github by the way, maybe you could compile it yourself? ;)
From you latest posts i would assume that you got it running, is that right?
Generally i'd run the newest jre anyways..
I will implement some sort of that yes, please open a suggestion ticket for stuff like that from now on ;)
Try to type it out and come back to me in ticket form please, i will look at this soon.
Read the wiki and try to start games with PVP,Race instead of Adventure on the second line.
How do we use the Arena, SPleef, and Race function