Create worlds dedicated to adventure maps and mini-games
Great for Jump Maps, Puzzles, Adventures and Arenas!
Hi folks! This plugin is currently no longer being developed for Minecraft 1.8+. While I could continue work for Spigot or similar, I found this plugin to no longer be of mayor use to the feature packed new plugins in the community that do have similar possibilities as TempleCraft did. It was a whole lot of fun to work with/for you all and i will still be available when contacted! - Xarinor
Version v0.47
Bukkit 1.4.7 - 1.6.4-R2.1
->Use /tct save multiple times to make sure the temple is really saved after editing.
Version v0.47.1
Bukkit 1.6 - 1.7
GitHUB / ChangeLog
Vault: 1.2.15+
Supported Plugins:
Multiverse: 2.4-b527+
Heroes: 1.4.7+
plugin idea by HeyItsZenith
-> original Bukkit-Dev page: TempleCraft
Problems with Release-Versions
When you have problems with an Release-Version open a new ticket.
Problems with Alpha-Versions
When you have Problems with an Alpha Version go to the Alpha-Tests Forum and post it the Thread with the same Version-Number which your Version has.
If you just post your findings and errors in the comments you might not get an answer!
If you have a suggestion and think this is really needed then open a Suggestion-Ticket.
Problems with the usage
When you can't get your temples to run properly or don't know how to use TempleCraft, visit our TempleCraft WIKI before asking!
-> Visit the new TempleCraft Wiki
Visit the Temple-Area for downloadable Temples!
Please do not use temples without giving the creator some credits! Gentlemen's Agreement
- Set up temples for other players!
- Click signs or stand over signs underground to join temples!
- Kill monsters and find reward-blocks to get currency and loot (supports Vault)!
- Inventory, Health, FoodLevel, and XP is saved and restored when joining/editing a temple and leaving a temple.
- Multiple game-types (Adventure, Spleef, Arena and Race) for temples.
- > Adventure - Get from point A to point B
- > Spleef - Break the wool blocks from under your opponents feet to win
- > Race - Race against your opponents and your high score
- > Arena - Fight with and/or against other players - No need to worry about waiting to play a temple!
- > Possibility to play multiple games in the same temple at the same time! - No need to deal with setting up regions. TempleCraft uses worlds instead of regions!
- TempleCraft Worlds are removed when they're not in use.
- Use specified Blocks and Signs instead of commands!
- Supports Permissions
- Temples can be edited by their creator at any time.
- > Others can be added to help. - Enter creative mode automatically when editing temples
The original versions were created by HeyItsZenith
"This plugin is based off of garbagemule's plugin MobArena.
Thank you so much for the inspiration and jumping off point!
I couldn't have made this plugin without you :)"
Helpers, Testers and massive Bugfinders
- Thanks for your help =)
A beer for the active developer? Here you go :) [Donate Xarinor]
thx for the suggestion. in the new version i implement it a little bit more elegant and easier ;)
I've postet the suggestion into the alpha thread where it belongs, thank you ;)
We'll look into something like this!
I'll wait then, just throw me a PM or something when we have a green light.
One request for a feature, allow TCM messages to be extended to a second sign. I'm working on a server tutorial temple and messages being constrained to 20 characters (approx) is a bit rough.
Just have
[TCM] message message message
then next to that sign, something like [TCM#] message message message
and those signs would be concatenated into one message, in order of #.
Thanks again for picking up the plugin, we love it!
This would be very cool ;)
There are som fixes to e done tough
Maybe wait for them and then have a go!
Oh cena, always causing trouble :P
Saw you were looking for a video, cena and I run a mod review series, we should have one for this mod soon! :D
Nearly anything is possible ;) Its just to find out what will be needed/is a good integration and what is to much, not worth an implementation or can be provided by other plugins.
In this case i think it's not worth an implementation in to templecraft, but it would be really nice to add it as soft-dependency or just support it. For this step we'll need to have a chat with theyr dev team so they can add the changes on they'r side.
The most problems are caused off the fact that many plugins don't expect worlds to be loaded/unloaded on the fly during gameplay...
Some of the other ideas you have copied from Zenith's page are already discussed:
- Different entrance/exit
- Way to loose temples
Other ones are already implemented by now:
- Bosses
- Enchantments/potions
- Sign for hoard of mobs
@Xarior Yes, you can with pistons, but they are loud and limited in size, no to mention they can b noticed by button, pressure plate, ext. The BlockDoor plugin lets you set any blocks within a 50x50 area as a door, and you can have redstone triggers, or even/better yet, zones a player/mob/ect can walk into an trigger the door. I.E. zone under door means undetected pit. Sorry, just asking because I know i gave HeyItsZenith good idea's (too many for him to do in the time being :P ) when he visited our old server.
-Create a new video -Add Cost for temple -Add Signs for hoards of mobs -Add Custom Mobs/Bosses -Add Potion/Enchantment Support -Allow Temples to have separate Entrances and Exits -Add High Score Boards -Add Different general ways to end Temples -Maybe Add a way to loose Temples
These off his "things to do" list were suggested by me when he visited our sever to play MobArena's with us :) but ya, just wondering if it was possible.
@DocHarley Thanks for pointing that one out! We'll add it :)
@cena6665 I like the Idea of the Trapdoors ext. but can't you already make everything with pistons? ;)
I think this is one of the numerous aspects of the game to figure out what can be done with redstone, and the possibilities are enormous!
If you activate "constant worldnames" in the config, many plugins will work in your temples. You have to try them out, if the world isnt deleted (Region-, Player-, ext. -files) the plugin is not compatible.
What is possible to do is to text with the develoer and add support for those plugins.
Hey, i was going to use the plugin BlockDoor, by arcvvolf in my temples, but was informed couldn't, so was wondering if you could add something like BlockDoor to templecrft. I use Blockdoor in my server for trap doors, pit falls, ext. so.. just wondering.
Hi DocHarley, this is an amazing plugin. This plugin takes more than 60% of the activities on my server. The greatest feature is, you get the best of creative building in a newly (or configured environment type) world and when your not using it, it unloads out of memory until someone else enters the dungeon. bootscreen88 and his staff are good people. Spread the word. You wont be disappointed. :)
good point. i write some description tomorrow about the dependencies
Is there a page where the goodness from the optional dependencies is described? I know what they do in isolation, but I'm wondering what TC gets out of them. (I'm specifically thinking of Catacombs which I make heavy use of on my server.)
Looks like a great plugin, by the way! I can't wait to try it out.
its a problem with the new catacomb version. i fixed it in Alpha 0.45.2.
but next time pls read the informations above and open a ticket -.-
Try to reinstall the plugin and test it with all other plugins deactivated.
If you find a plugin to be the problem please post it in the alpha forum or open a ticket so we can see ;)
Hi, After updating to 0.45 it fails with this at load time:
2012-05-03 08:52:22 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling TempleCraft v0.45 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field net.steeleyes.catacombs.Catacombs.info from class com.msingleton.templecraft.TempleCraft at com.msingleton.templecraft.TempleCraft.setupCatacombs(TempleCraft.java:177) at com.msingleton.templecraft.TempleCraft.onEnable(TempleCraft.java:108) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:215) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:336) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:381) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:250) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:232) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(MinecraftServer.java:371) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:358) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:187) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:422) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
Thanks for the interest, more descriptions will follow in the next weeks! :)
This is no replacement or enhancement for mobarena
It's a standalone plugin (except Vault) and has a completely different purpose then mobarena ;)
Bootscreen has just used some code from Garbagemule and his plugin (tanks to him :D) They work fine together on the server too.
Wow, that looks cool! You might want to describe what the plugin can do, though :-) Is this a good replacement/enhancement for MobArena?
Hi Legundo
A Video would be much appreciated! :) If it's easy to understand and up to the point i'd add it to the project page :)
I'm just setting up the wiki and maybe a page for sharing temples with others! If someone has a better Idea then the forum here or a page on github please let me know!
Love this plugin! Using it for our new server. We might be making a video for it something soon, I'll post back when we do.
Thanks Tim! You can come visit that temple if you want ;) Yust saysomething if you see me online @your server or mine :)