Templecraft v0.44.8
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UploadedApr 19, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R1.0
Version 0.44.8:
- added support for the Plugin Catacombs (you must have version 2.2 or above) - Thanks Blockhead2 - Ticket 14
- added support for Potions and Enchantments in Classes.
Potion: <potion or 373>:<count>:<potion id>
for potion you must give a countnumber. when you want only one potion type 1
Enchantment: <item>:<enchantmantid>-<enchantmantlevel>
for multiple enchantmants you can write <enchantmantid>-<enchantmantlevel>;<enchantmantid>-<enchantmantlevel> every enchantmant must be seperated by a ;
here are some examples how-to-use:
Potion: potion:2:16389 <= this gives you 2 Healing Splash ThrowPotions
Enchantment: diamond_sword:16-5;19-2 <= this gives you a diamand sword with Sharpness 5 and Knockback 2
Here is a ItemList with Potion ID's: http://www.minecraftinfo.com/IDList.htm - added health to Mob Signs. to set the health write in the third line the amount of health they should have. Ticket 7 - Ticket 11
- added continues mob spawner Ticket 10. to make a sign spawns a continues amount of mobs change the last line of a mob sign to this:
radius is the radius in which it is triggerd when you type - it is set to 20
time is the time in seconds between the spawn
count is the amount of mobs which were spawned - added a boss sign. here is a how-to Ticket 11:
Line0: [TCB]
Line1: <Name of the Mob>
Line2: <health of the Boss>
Line3: <Abilitys>
the abilitys can be multiple and msut seperated by a ,
currently there are only 5 possible abilitys which were every 5 seconds randomly choosen from Line3
a List of Abilitys can you find at the bottom of this thread. - added sign for placing blocks Ticket 15
with this sign you can restrict the placing of blocks to an area around the sign
Line0: [TC]
Line1: place
Line2: <radius>
- added placeablemats to the config. it is simular to breakablemats. when you would allow all blocks to place set it to -1
- added feature that no items can use in the lobby Ticket 16
- added tamed mob dies when the tamer dies
- changed DisplayName to Name on Scoreboards to remove Prefixes such like Moderator, Admin and so on.
- fixed problem that you are in the survival mode when you edit a temple
- fixed problem that ladders doesn't come back when it's distroyed by a creeper
- fixed wrong message that the game starts when it doesn't can start
- fixed problem with chainmail armor
Name | shortname for the sign | discription |
Arrow | a | shoots an arrow on the target |
Fireaura | fa | sets every player in an radius of 5 for 5 seconds in flames |
Fireball | fb | shoots a fireball on the target |
Teleport to Player | ttp | teleports the boss to the target |
Throw Target | tt | throws the target away |
Version 0.44.7:
- added Flat, Nether, The_End and custom generator support: /tct new <temple> (generator)
generator is optional and can be Flat, Nether, The_End or the name of a Jar in plugins\TempleCraft\ChunkGenerators (Ticket 9) - removed Flat1.jar completly
- fixed problem of non spawning mobs from spawner eggs (Ticket 12)
- remove forgotten timer code (Ticket 13)
- fixed bug when temple player was kciked from temple when an other player try to join a temple with constantNames and the temple is full (Ticket 13)
Version 0.44.6:
- prepaired MobSpawnSigns for setting the maxhealth, when bukkit supports it.
- added exception for socket error in the updatecheck function
- fix exception when player killed by creeper
Version 0.44.5:
- fixed some bugs with the Multiverse Code
- fixed some bugs with the Scoreboard
- fixed the bug that after an explosion the blocks doesn't come back
- start chunkload befor player port
- implement custom waiting time for [TCS] signs. Write the seconds to wait in the last line of the sign.
- implement a workaround for the "TickNextTick list out of synch" Error
when you get this error while you walk on a [TCS] sign write a "0" in the last line of the sign. with the 0 you set the waiting time to 0 and then it works. - added HTTP check to prevent error when dev.bukkit.org isn't availible during an UpdateCheck
Version 0.44.4:
- added Multiverse-Core Api and MVWorldManager to import and remove TCWorlds to the Multiverse list to prevent Multiverse Error when a Player.Teleport goes to an unimported World (maybe its the solution of the following tickets: Ticket 2 - Ticket 4 - Ticket 6)
- change default permission for create and edit temples - Ticket 5
- fixed problem with the scoreboard - Ticket 2
- remove external Flatworld Chunkgenerator and replace it with the worldtype FLAT
- finally remove old eventsystem commentare from source