Teleport 2022
The simplest plugin for teleport! (the next generation of the old-fashioned /tpa)
Our first priority is to strengthen the logic of the plugin with each update.
Current Version
Older Versions
Tested Minecraft Versions
Acoustic Notification
You will now hear when receiving a teleport request. Customizable sound of teleport request. Don't you want to? No problème, you can turn it off.
In addition to the acoustic notification, you can choose whether or not to display an on-screen notification when you receive a teleport request. This is completely optional and customizable.
And what everyone was waiting for...
You can now restart Teleport 2022 without having to completely restart the server to apply changes to the plugin.
Put the .jar plugin file into your plugins folder and /restart or /reload. Modifies each message by accessing config.yml in the Teleport2022 folder, located inside the plugins folder.
I don't want to shock you but we have successfully reduced the weight of Teleport 2022 by 50%. It has not been easy. Thanks for all help that the plugin is receiving. It is a good time to thank each one of you for the effort you have made to polish the most advanced and secure teleport plugin. Without all of you, this plugin would be forgotten. Knowing that you liked it has made that unexpected things will happen soon. Will there be a new release? We will know very soon.
why my friends cant use it? hvm idk what to do anymore im new to the server hosting
In reply to callmepain__:
Please write me on Discord to solve your problem: 8ortiz4#2233.
In reply to callmepain__:
Hi callmepain__, I have not received any answer, remember that by discord I can help you to solve any problem you have!
I got it on my server, but only me (server owner) can use it. how to i make everyone to have it?
In reply to Gokkex:
Make sure you do not have other plugins with the same command as TP22, which would cause you to lose permissions so that everyone can use the command. For example, WorldGuard. Or in any case, resolve to give permissions to use /tpa to everyone in the WorldGuard configuration file (for example).
Can you add /tpahere as well? Thanks
In reply to quep:
For what purpose? For a moderator to send everyone to the same place or something like that?
In reply to 8ortiz4:
More of a convenience thing, but totally not necessary.
In reply to 8ortiz4:
It would be nice to be able to request a person teleport to you if possible
In reply to 8ortiz4:
It would be nice to be able to request a person teleport to you if possible
In reply to enterrcat:
I already thought of that. The philosophy of this plugin is to provide what it promises and nothing more. Is it possible that in the future I will build an extended version? Maybe. At the moment our unique focus is to provide what players want: an easy and lightweight teleport to be able to have fun with their friends on both low and high performance servers. People can take advantage of this command to bring players to their homes and steal their things. Our intention is to make you feel safe playing and enjoying with plugins made with love and a lot of delicacy in every single detail. Likewise, if I add that feature in the future, I would like to add you to the list of those who inspired that feature. Email me <[email protected]> the nickname by which you would like to be recognized, if you would like to be part of our family of creative people willing to work hard to make this community better than it already is. Thanks for your feedback.
In reply to enterrcat:
A player can take advantage of this method to teleport other players to the location of the first in PVP zone to kill them. It is our responsibility to offer a good plugin taking into account that not all servers have good administration to control these fraudulent actions.
2.0.0 will be released next week.
If you have any inconvenience, feel free to share it here.