
Sections of the Config File

First off, there are many sections within the config file. Predominately, the major sections are:

  • General
  • Advanced

General Configurations

The General section lists a bunch of true/false values that configure how the plugin works.

General Options
# Enable RedPower timer Re-timer. This will set all timers below [RPTimerMin] to that limit.
UseAutoRPTimer: true

# Enables the AntiFlyHack, which is used to prevent fly hackers.
UseAntiFlyHack: true

# Enables the AntiForcefield, which is used to prevent people from hitting around them without looking that way.
UseAntiForcefield: true

# Enable the item limiter, which allows you to control how many blocks of a specific type a person may place.
UseItemLimiter: true

# Enable admins/mods to use OpenAlc (if they have tekkitrestrict.alc perm)
UseOpenAlc: true

# Enable the option to replace certain items with dirt
UseNoItem: true

# Enable Chunk Unloader. This will force unloadable chunks to be removed.
UseChunkUnloader: false

# Limit for RedPower Timing in Seconds
RPTimerMin: 1.1

# Limit the number of minutes a player may fly while using flyring or jetpack.
FlyLimitDailyMinutes: 99999999999
# Prevents the Red Matter Furnace dupe by blocking off a certain slot in the inventory from being Shift+clicked.
PreventRMFurnaceDupe: true
# Prevents the Alchemy bag dupe by preventing players from throwing items out of their alchemy bags, especially if they have a Black Hole Band in one.
PreventAlcDupe: true
# Prevents the Transmutation Table dupe using a Klein star by blocking the shift+click with a Klein star out of the left slots.
PreventTransmuteDupe: true
# Logs Dupes to the console. (May or may not spam)
ShowDupesOnConsole: false
# Enables the Dupe broadcaster. Whenever somebody tries to dupe, it will be broadcasted server-wide.
BroadcastDupes: true
# This is the "String" which is said to everybody on the server whenever somebody tries to dupe.
BroadcastDupeString: "[TRDupe] {PLAYER} tried to dupe using {DTYPE}!"
Global EE
# Prevent somebody from turning on the Offensive powers of Gem Armor. (Admins included)
AllowGemArmorOffensive: false
# Prevent somebody from turning on the Movement powers of Gem Armor. (Admins included)
AllowGemArmorDefensive: false
# Enable the use of SafeZone Region Extensions
UseSafeZones: true
# Disable All Interactions inside of SafeZones (?)
SSDisableAllItems: true
# Disable Gem Armor from being "C"ed inside of Safezones.
SSDisableGemArmor: true
# Discharge EE Power Items inside of Safe Zones.
SSDechargeEE: true
# Disable Ring of Arcanas inside of Safe Zones.
SSDisableRingOfArcana: true
# Enables the use of certain plugins with SafeZones.
SSEnabledPlugins: ["factions","towny","preciousstones"]
# location of log folder (plugins/tekkitrestrict/)
LogLocation: "log"
# Format of the File names for each log. If you Remove DAY, then the log will last one month before a new one is created.
LogNameFormat: "{MONTH}-{DAY}-{YEAR}.txt"
# Format of each line inside the log file.
LogStringFormat: "[{HOUR}-{MINUTE}-{SECOND}] {INFO}"
# Is the Logger enabled to log stuffs?
LogIsEnabled: true
# Log Fly hacks?
LogFlyHack: true
# Log Forcefield hacks?
LogForcefieldHack: true
# Enable Dupe Logging
LogDupes: true
# Enable EE Amulet Logging
LogAmulets: true
# Enable EE Ring Logging
LogRings: true
# Enable EE Gem Power Logging
LogGemPowers: true
# Enable EE Dark Matter Tools Logging
LogDMTools: true
# Enable EE Red Matter Tools Logging
LogRMTools: true
# Enable EE Misc Logging
LogEEMisc: true
# Log Hyperkinetic Lens and Destruction Catalyst usage
LogEEDestructive: true
# Log Crafting of EE Items
LogEECrafting: true
# Log usage of /openalc command
LogOpenAlc: true

# Separates info from console into separate folders (/log/)
LogConsole: true
#Log Debug information (May slow down server if there is a lot of debug information)
LogDebug: false
# Prevent players from flying or running REALLY Fast. (This is 2m/s)
HackMoveSpeedMax: 2
# Max Tolerance when over movement speed (1-3 seconds)
HackMoveSpeedTolerance: 10
# Prevent players for flying more than 3 seconds
HackFlyTolerance: 70
# Used to determine how a player is actually "Flying". Minimum is usually 2 blocks below the player.
HackFlyMinHeight: 2
# Used to determine How many times a player may "Attack" a target while they are not facing a monster or other player.
HackForcefieldTolerance: 20
#"flyhack", "forcefieldhack", "speedhack"
# Ban a user upon hacks (Please increase some of the stats on some of the hacks, because sometimes they may be false alarms.
HackBan: []
# Kick a user for hacking
HackKick: ["flyhack","forcefieldhack","speedhack"]
# Broadcast a player for hacking with this type of hack
HackBroadcasts: ["flyhack","forcefieldhack","speedhack"]
# String used when a player is detected hacking. This is broadcasted to the other players.
HackBroadcastString: "[TRHack] {PLAYER} {ACTION} {HTYPE}!"

Advanced Configurations

The Advanced section gives you the ability to list off certain items and have them do something.

Disable Item

Sometimes you don't want an entire mod to be disabled, but a particular item or range of items. You can do that! This will convert Disabled items in the inventory into dirt.

configuration example:

# Used for NoItem. This is the ID in which you convert items into if they are "Banned" or "Disabled" for that player. 0 = air.
ChangeDisabledItemsIntoId: 3
# Remove disabled blocks that are is use with (DisableItems)
RemoveDisabledModBlocks: false

# Construction foam (id 222)
- 222
# Energy Collector (id 126, data id 2)
- "126:2"
# convert all items in the range 27562 - 27566 into dirt in somebody's inventory. 
- 27562-27566
# Disable all items from buildcraft
- BuildCraft
Recipe Block

Ever just want to prevent players from making STUFF? This stuff includes BANNED Items and stuff?

configuration example:

#Let's remove World Anchors!
- 214
- 4095
- 179
Furnace Recipe Block

Want to just remove all of those terrible farms that make people a ton of EMC? Just remove the recipe to make Blaze power!

configuration example:

#Let's remove blaze powder!
#  Remember to use the starting item for each recipe here.
- 377
Limit Blocks

So, you have a Tekkit server, eh? Have you happened to notice that somebody built about 100 MK3 Flowers in a few days and your server is down a few ticks because of it? I have just the tool for you! The block limiter prevents people from placing a specific amount of blocks.

configuration example:

# Limit Mk3 Collectors to 32
- 126:2 32
# Limit Mk3 Antimatter Relays to 10
- 126:7 10
# Limit Energy Collectors to 2
- 128:1 2
Disable Click

Ever want to just pull your hair out when somebody uses a morning star on your house? Or when somebody shoots fireballs at you using a ring of arcana? Well, look no further!

Disable Click enables you to optionally select how a specific item may be "used" when a button is pressed. This can block left or right clicks on blocks or in the air.

configuration example:

# if you right click with a morning star, it will be "Denied" use. 
- 27573 right
# you cannot right click in the air  with a Hyperkinetic lens.
- 27535 right air
# you cannot right click on a block with a Red Matter Hammer.
- 27570 right block
# It is forbidden to left-click on a block with most of the Red Matter Tools.
- 27564-27569 left block
Discharge EE Power Items in Safe Zones

What is one of the few things that most Power Items in EE have in common? Charge Level!!! What this does is set the EE power item's charge to zero in safezones, so they cannot grief with it.

This category is relatively straightforward, except for the fact that you can only enter single item ids. (Not ranges or item:Data pairs)

Max Charge

Do you want to just prevent people from having over-powered EE items? Sure. MaxCharge prevents players from charging EE Power items past a certain Percentage. (0-100)

configuration example:

# lower the Morning Star's maximum charge level down to 90%.
- "27573 90"
# lower ALL EE Red Matter Tools (Except for morning star) maximum charge level down to 50%.
- "27564-27572 50"
LWC Protection

Ever wonder why people are still able to pump stuff out of people's chests or even break them by using block-breakers? Well, here is your answer!

configuration example:

- 4306
- 4301
# Prevent filters, ect. from pumping or breaking LWC locked items.
- 150
- 136
Console Log Blocking

So many annoying console messages? =P Just want to get rid of them? Want to remooove those errors? Want them to never appear? Holy crap, look down!

configuration example:

- "warning"

This will block any message that has "[WARNING]" in it. Useful for removing random errors and such.

Advanced Threading Speeds

This section in the advanced config is Both Experimental and may lead to bad server performance if configured incorrectly. The times are all in milliseconds.


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