commands/1.15 and above

Main Commands

/tekkitrestrict or /tr
TekkitRestricts main command.
/openalc <player> <color>
Open a player's alchemy bag and edit it. Even if the player is offline your edits will still save.
/tpic <min> [thorough]
Teleport to a location with <min> items. If thorough is true or yes, it will count entities instead of items.

EMC Commands

/tr emc help
Display help about the /tr emc commands
/tr emc tempset <id
data> <emc>
Set the EMC value of id:data to <emc>. Use an emc value of 0 to remove the emc value of an item.
/tr emc lookup <idrange>
Lookup the EMC value of (a) certain item(s).

Admin Commands

/tr admin help
Displays the admin help.
/tr admin reload
Reload TekkitRestrict's settings from the config.
/tr admin update [check | download]
Check for an update and download it if available. Note: the option [check | download] will be added in 1.17
/tr admin threadlag
Gather information about each thread on the server and their laginess, tickusage on triggering, etc. and write it to a file.
/tr admin reinit
Reload the server (restart without kicking players). With tekkit classic servers this is buggy and will result in unexpected behavior.

SafeZone Commands

/tr admin safezone help
Display SafeZone help.
/tr admin safezone list
List all SafeZones and their locations.
/tr admin safezone check [player]
Check if the given player is currently in a SafeZone. If you don't supply a player, it will check for the player that sends the command.
/tr admin safezone addwg <name>
Mark a existing WorldGuard region with the name <name> as a SafeZone.
/tr admin safezone addgp <name>
Mark the GriefPrevention claim you are standing in as a SafeZone, and save it under the given name.
/tr admin safezone del <name>
Remove the SafeZone with the given name.

Limiter Commands

/tr admin limit help
Display limit help.
/tr admin limit list <player>
List the limits of the given player. Please note that if the player is offline, his permissions will not be checked which can result in some strange values like [2/0].
/tr admin limit clear <player>
Clear the limits of the given player.
/tr admin limit clear <player> [idrange]
Clear the limits of the given player for specific items/blocks.

The indication idrange stands for a single or range of items. Example:

  • 5 - Single item(:*)
  • 10:12 - Single item with data value
  • 20-23 - Range (20:*, 21:*, 22:*, 23:*)


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