commands/1.14 and below

This is a list of the basic commands for Tekkit Restrict.


  • /tr - Shows list of stuff (Alias tekkitrestrict)
  • /openalc [player] [color] - Realtime Editing of an alchemy bag, colors are based on in-game names without spaces.

Extra Commands

  • /tpic [min] - Teleports you to the nearest "Mass" of items that are dropped on the ground. you may specify the min field
  • /restart - Restarts your server, but "disconnects" from the console. Only useful for remote servers.

Admin Commands

  • /tr alias of /tekkitrestrict
  • /tr reload - Reloads config.
  • /tr threadlag - Writes all information about threads and their lagginess to: "threadinfo.txt".
  • /tr admin safezone add [name] - Using WorldEdit, players may not use ANY items, place ANY items in said safezone. This also prevents "Alternates" for EE.
  • /tr admin safezone addwg [Region] - Prevents most problems in tekkit by layering over a worldguard region
  • /tr admin safezone list [page] - List Registered safezones.
  • /tr admin safezone rem [name] - Removes safezone.
  • /tr admin safezone check - Returns whether you are in a safezone or not.
  • /tr admin limit list [player] - Returns the number of limits per item-type.
  • /tr admin limit clear [player] - Clears a player's limits. (does not clear the blocks)
  • /tr admin limit clear [player] [id:data] - Clears a player's limits for a specific item.


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