This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

When completed, TEAPI will be a plugin that allows server admins to access Bukkit's API through console or ingame commands. It wouldn't actually be commands though, but actually typing in the voids, booleans, ints, Strings, etc. and their arguements as if you were programming them. It will be similar to ComputerCraft's interactive LUA console/terminal thing. There will possibly be a way for plugin developers to add their plugin's API to this, although there probably is no need for it.

Some examples of what this plugin could do:

  • setHealth(20); Would set an player's health, exactly as if you were invoking it through coding it into a plugin
  • Player.getWorld().createExplosion(Player.getLocation(), 4f); Would blow up a player
  • setFireTicks(1000); Would set a player on fire
  • Some sort of navigation system for selecting entities as an equivalent to cd < directory > only something like ces < entity >

Example of actual usage:

ces 1613444

[INFO] Entity with ID of 1613444 has been selected

es.setHealth(getHealth() + 100);

[INFO] 100 health points have been added to entity 1613444


[INFO] Entity 1613444 is now on fire for 200 ticks (10 seconds)

cbs 1613444.getLocation();

[INFO] Selected block at entity 1613444's position

cbs down 1;

[INFO] Block selection moved down 1


[INFO] Block selection set to lava

UPDATE: My computer is slowly dying and I have no money to replace it, and probably won't for a long time. Because of this, I am no longer able to host a server, let alone host it and then be able to log into it and actually test the plugin. This project will be inactive for a while most likely, but I will pick it back up eventually.


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