Team Fortress 2
This plugin can optionally use TagAPI to color name tags.
This plugin does not need an update and will continue to work between Minecraft versions. However, you will need to update TagAPI each Minecraft version, as this plugin won't work if TagAPI isn't working.
TF2 is a fully functional plugin that allows you to simulate playing Team Fortress 2 from within Minecraft. It is based off of the popular map created by SethBling, only without any redstone required.
Players can click a sign to join a TF2 map, where they will randomly be assigned a team and teleported to their team's lobby. In the lobby, the player can pick a class using buttons, and wait for the game to start. The objective is for blue team to defend their capture points. Red team’s objective is to try and attack / capture blue team’s capture points. There is a time limit to each map, if that time limit is reached, and red team has not captured all of the capture points, then blue team wins. The moment red team captures all of the capture points, red team wins.
Example PHP code to display stats:
- TagAPI and WorldEdit must be installed for this plugin to run.
- You will ideally need a TF2 map. We recommend this one, created by SethBling.
Example Gameplay
- Fully automated lobby status wall using signs, displaying time left in the game, points captured, the status of the game, and more.
- Completely automated - players will almost never have to use commands, most everything is done through signs and buttons.
- Players are automatically balanced onto red/blue teams.
- Create custom classes defined in the configuration - players choose their class by using buttons you create and define as class buttons.
- The game lasts up until a timelimit defined by you.
- Your XP bar displays the status of the point being captured, and your level displays the total amount of kills you've made that game.
- AFK players are automatically kicked from the game.
Creating Your First Map & Setup
- Click here for a full tutorial on creating your first map.
- Click here for a quick tutorial on setting up a map. Only use this if you've created a map before and know how to use the commands it outlines.
Permission | Description |
tf2.create | Allows everything required to setup a map. | | Allows only normal gameplay commands. |
tf2.button.normal | Allows use normal class buttons. |
tf2.button.donator | Allows use donator class buttons. |
Need support?
We need the following things to help you:
- The output of the /tf2 debug command.
- A full startup log (from "Starting Minecraft server version..." to "Done!").
- Any relevant errors. "An internal error occurred" means there's an error waiting in your server log/console.
Commenting below is NOT the fastest way to get support! If you need help, click here to join our IRC channel on
I hope a stable or beta can be out soon
I should rephrase, I'm waiting for at least a beta or RB, not a dev build. Something relatively stable.
Oh Man Cant Wait to see this Plugin Out 1.4.2 build Came Out. i hope you can maybe put the download bottn out soon :D
A 1.4.2 build came out a few min ago /me fumbles with thumbs impatiently lol XD Maybe we can see this up soon now!
Nice work chase, can't wait!
K thank you for telling us.
It'll be released after Bukkit/Craftbukkit are for Minecraft 1.4.2.
Let us download it...
So when will this come out?
Put it on github maybe? Then I'll add a CTF mode. :D
Will it be out when 1.4 comes out?
Question: If the plugin is already made on your server, why can't you release it right now? Are there just tweaks to be made??
I found some bugs: When you died you get - some life harts and when i joined the game in tf2 i burnt in the classes room.
Can't wait for it Chaseoes!
Can you don't make capture points only? I will be very happy if you added capture intelligence also. Just a feedback. Can't wait for its release!
You should add an option to use rail buttons as capture points too. So you can actually play the game types with the carts!
Seems like another epic plugin :)
Cant wait for this!! works amazingly well on skitscape's server!