More functionality #5

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to eccentric_devotion
  • _ForgeUser9902572 created this issue Aug 31, 2015

    As Captain jack is able to use his Vortex Manipulator for a variety of uses in Torchwood, I was thinking there are maybe some things that could be added to it in game that make it more useful. One of the things I had in mind was a way to activate any nearby redstone, in a radius of 2-3 blocks, with a command or button in the GUI. This would be similar to how Jack uses it to control almost any electronics. Another feature could be to track mobs and players.

  • _ForgeUser9902572 added the tags New Enhancment Aug 31, 2015
  • eccentric_devotion posted a comment Aug 31, 2015

    Use your sonic for redstone...

    Apart from role-playing is there any practical use for these features?

  • _ForgeUser9902572 posted a comment Aug 31, 2015

    @eccentricnz: Go

    The sonic only works if you can see the redstone, I meant for more of a way to access a secret door or something that has a bit of redstone under the floor that can be activated by the vortex manipulator.

    No not really, just a cool role playing feature, although, it would make secret bases a lot more secret

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