TARDIS v3.5-beta-1
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UploadedMar 24, 2016
Size2.08 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.9
ALWAYS run BuildTools to get the latest server JARs before installing/updating TARDIS!
- You need to update TARDISChunkGenerator to version 2.2 or higher (included in ZIP file)
- Requires CraftBukkit /Spigot 1.9!
- BarAPI and EffectLib plugins no longer needed (unless used by another plugin)
Do not bother posting comments / tickets if you are not running the appropriate server and plugin versions - they will be deleted immediately!
TARDIS v3.5-beta-1
Updated for CraftBukkit / Spigot 1.9
- Added new blocks
- Added new Purpur chameleon preset
- Used new Villager API additions
- Used new Particle API
- Used new BossBar API
- Updated biomes and sounds
Added world name tab completion to
commands - Added a Companion GUI for the
/tardis list companions
and/tardis add
commands - Added a
/tardisprefs policebox_textures [on|off]
command - setting this tooff
stops the plugin changing the biome (for MCPatcher texture support) when the Police Box materialises - Implemented the Hostile Action Dispersal System
- toggle it with the
/tardisprefs hads_type [DISPLACEMENT|DISPERSAL]
command (or use the sonic preferences menu) - to rebuild you must stand in the centre of the dispersed TARDIS (carpet) and right-click-air with the sonic screwdriver
- toggle it with the
- Added the TARDIS Telepathic Circuit
/tardisrecipe telepathic
/tardisprefs telepathy [on|off]
(or use the sonic preferences menu)/tardis update telepathic
- Allows a companion to run any
command for the TARDIS that they are in
- Added all door types to standard sonic function
- Added Junk mode to regular TARDISes
/tardisprefs junk [on|off]
(or use the sonic preferences menu)- You can only travel to saved locations while in Junk mode
- Carpet is no longer allowed in custom Chameleon presets
- Updated some dependent plugin versions - make sure you have the latest 1.9 versions
- The plugin now uses the new BossBar API instead of the BarAPI plugin for the TARDIS travel bar
- The plugin now uses the new Particle API for Artron Furnace and Junk TARDIS particle effects instead of the EffectLib plugin
- The plugin now checks that Multiverse-Core and Multiverse-Inventories are the correct build (as well as version)
- You can now set a limit for the number of mobs that can randomly enter the TARDIS
preferences.spawn_limit: [max number of monsters]
- The TARDIS will now throw a malfunction if no destination is found or the player is denied travel
- The plugin now checks a player is in their own TARDIS when using the
/tardis upgrade
command - Protection is now removed from inner TARDIS blocks broken in CREATIVE gamemode
- Allow the desktop theme change if TARDIS Artron level is greater than or equal to (not just greater than) the Artron upgrade cost
Bug fixes
- Fixed players' Police Box lamp preference not taking effect
- Fixed a possible NPE in the Zero room chat listener
- Fixed Junk TARDIS creation
- Fixed an issue with the Junk TARDIS not deleting
- Fixed getting the wrong world for deleting the vortex Junk TARDIS
- Fixed Junk TARDIS particle direction
- Fixed player permission checks when upgrading the TARDIS console
- Fixed not all console types being available when upgrading
- Fixed using the correct wall/floor type when doing the upgrade check
- Fixed
usage (in help) - Fixed ANDESITE, DIORITE and GRANITE in seed blocks
- Fixed the error message when adding a room and the file name is wrong
- Fixed a prefix mixup when updating the SQLite database
- Fixed getting the Factions plugin version when it contains 'Beta'
- Fixed recipes with Potions in them
- Fixed
/ttravel area
tab completion - Fixed ANDESITE, DIORITE and GRANITE in seed blocks
Dependent plugin versions
If running any of these plugins with TARDIS they must be equal to or greater than the versions listed here:
- Citizens - v2.0.17
- Factions - v2.8.7
- GriefPrevention - v10
- LibsDisguises - v9.0.2
- MultiWorld - v5.2
- Multiverse-Adventure - v2.5
- Multiverse-Core - v2.5-b717
- Multiverse-Inventories - v2.5-b344
- My Worlds - v1.67
- ProtocolLib - v4.0.0
- TARDISChunkGenerator - v2.2
- TARDISWeepingAngels - v2.1
- Towny - v0.89
- WorldBorder - v1.8.1
- WorldGuard - v6.1
For CraftBukkit/Spigot 1.9 or higher, no longer compatible with prior versions, and it will disable itself if a lower version is used! ALWAYS run BuildTools to get the latest server JARs before installing/updating TARDIS!
You need to update TARDISChunkGenerator to version 2.2 or higher (included in ZIP file)