TARDIS 2.5.7
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UploadedAug 21, 2013
Size643.36 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.6.2-R0.1
CAUTION: if running CraftBukkit 1.6.2, you must have the CraftBukkit Beta Build or greater!
- Updated Factions support to 2.0.5 - Disable Factions support or do not use this version if you are running Factions 1.8.x and lower
- Fixed a NPE when using the ARS GUI and the map was not loaded
- Fixed a TARDIS deletion bug, where if you had the admin permission
it would not find the TARDIS location properly - After using the TARDIS Locator, if a regular compass is selected in the hot bar, the player's compass target is reset back to the spawn/bed spawn location instead of always pointing at the TARDIS location
- Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when a malfunction occurred and the destination was set to the Nether or The End (and travel there was disabled). Travel will now be allowed to the destination - as this was the original specification for the malfunction feature when it was suggested
- Fixed an error when the condenser chest was made into a double chest
- Fixed an error with the save sign when a player has more than 53 saves
- Fixed an error when not specifying a message in the
/tardisprefs eps_message
CAUTION: if running CraftBukkit 1.6.2, you must have the CraftBukkit Beta Build or greater!
The Architectural Reconfiguration System is still a work in progress!