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  • Uploaded
    Feb 18, 2013
  • Size
    334.93 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.4.7-R1.0



  • You can now only travel to a TARDIS area (for the first time) using the /tardistravel area [name] command
    • once there you can still use /tardis save [name] to remember the destination (and bind it to a button)
    • if a player uses /tardistravel dest [save] and the saved location is currently occupied, then they will be asked to use the /tardistravel area [name] command instead
  • Fixed TARDISes finding parking spots outside a TARDIS area
  • You can now no longer rebuild the TARDIS while you are inside it and a destination has been set but not travelled to
  • Rebuilding the TARDIS now uses Artron Energy (the same amount as random location travelling)
  • Fixed the message when clicking the wrong seed block when trying to grow a room
  • Fixed some item names in the Energy condenser list
  • The Gamemode for TARDIS worlds is now configurable between creative and survival - change gamemode in config.yml - default is survival
  • Recoded the method to add new fields to database tables - this also fixes room walls not using the player's 'wall' preference
  • (Minecraft) TARDIS sounds should play more consistently if SpoutPlugin is installed, but players are not using the SpoutCraft client
  • Added per room permissions:
    • parent node is still tardis.room for access to all rooms
    • individual room nodes are of the format: tardis.room.roomtype e.g. tardis.room.harmony
  • Other minor improvements

Pre-release software, use at your own risk!