TARDIS v3.8.3
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UploadedJul 28, 2018
Size2.75 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.12
- Added Handles - https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/tardis/issues/1549
- Add an Artron energy event to the TARDIS API
- Use Essentials nickname on sign if available
- Made in-game command help better (esp. for `/tardisadmin`)
- Return blocks to player if they close the Chameleon Constructor without saving the construct
- Disable abandoned TARDISes if `create_worlds` is true
- Update to Terrain Control 2.9.0-SNAPSHOT
- If Project Rassilon is enabled and player regenerates in siege mode, then transfer Time Lord energy to TARDIS
- You can no longer SHIFT-click to exit if using the INVISIBLE preset
Bug Fixes
- Reduced poor timings caused by TARDIS Hum lambda
- Reduced poor timings caused by explosion listener
- Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in /tadmin delete [player] command
- Fixed broken /tardisadmin list command
- Fixed broken /tardisrecipe command
- Don't allow hiding if the TARDIS is dispersed
- Don't set a cooldown unless actually doing a rebuild
- Fixed "How do I make a TARDIS"
- Apply Isomorphic controls to all controls...
- NamespacedKeys must be lower case