TARDIS v3.8.2
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UploadedJan 22, 2018
Size2.68 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.12
This is the last version for Bukkit/Spigot 1.12.2.
- The plugin now requires TARDISChunkGenerator v2.5.5 (see Additional Files below)
- The required build of Multiverse-Inventories is now v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b431 or higher
- Spawned abandoned TARDISes are now listed as bieing owned by TARDIS Admin
- You can no longer use the TARDIS back door in junk and siege mode
- Removed the Villager Career getting/setting methods from TARDISChunkGenerator (they're now included in Bukkit API)
- Added a config option for preferences.no_coords
- Defaults to false - when set to true, will not display the random destination coordinates in chat when the random button is pressed
- Added a false_nether key to planets.yml
- Added support for LockettePro
- Added the vault chest to the /tardis update lister
- Added Stained Clay (Terracotta) to the blocks that can be smelted in the Smelter room
Bug fixes
- Fixed the Lazarus Device pressure plate location not being updated when the room was grown a second or more times
- Fixed "false" NETHER world random location finding
- Fixed a bug in the Multiverse-Inventories version check
- Fixed a NullPointerException using the Admin sonic when TARDIS travellers are offline
- Fixed spawned abandoned TARDISes throwing a NullPointerException because they have no associated UUID
- Fixed setting the TARDIS exterior direction when spawning abandoned TARDISes
- Fixed deleting abandoned TARDISes
- Fixed an error with ProtocolLib sending JSON chat (we now use our own TARDISChunkGenerator method instead)
- Resolved a class cast exception in Chameleon Arch inventory restoration