
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


AUTOMATICALLY Replace swear words in chat with other words of your choice!

(Imagine the following, but without the * s)

Player types:
"F* you."

Plugin changes message to:
"[Whatever you've told it to replace "f*" with] you."

Are you like me, in that you see people who constantly swear as utterly delinquent or juvenile? Well this plugin is for you! You can make them seem like complete fools by replacing their cusses with ridiculous other statements or words! xD

One of the funniest uses of this plugin so far was on my server, some guy came on, clearly just to insult the server and all admins, and he said something rather vulgar. My plugin corrected him, and he came out as having said:

"Engage with my Male Chicken you Cigarette!"

I'll leave you to figure out what he actually said..


  • /swear add [WordToBeReplaced] [WordToReplaceItWith]
    Adds a new word to be replaced, and its replacement to the replacement dictionary. Note with this, you can only add ones with multiple words in the config. With the in-game commands, you can only use single words for each.
  • /swear remove [WordBeingReplaced] [WordReplacingIt]
    Removes a word and its replacement from the replacement dictionary
  • /swear change [WordBeingReplaced] [WordReplacingIt] [NewOrSameWordToBeReplaced] [NewOrSameWordToReplaceIt]
    Changes that entry in the replacement dictionary to whatever you put in the last 2 fields.
  • /swear help
    Shows plugin help if you're stuck :)


  • swearreplacer.manipulate
    Allows full usage of the plugin.

The replacements I talked about above aren't in the config by default. You have to put in your own. However I will post a link to my config here soon if you want to get all my approximately 100 replacements that I've added.


  • Add ability to add colored replacements
  • Add ability to define punishments on individual words (like lightning strike for example)
  • Add a configurable option for it to differentiate between words on their own and words connected to other words.
  • Make the plugin understand "_"s as spaces so you can add multiple word replacements in-game

If you have any funny experiences with imbeciles coming on your server, spouting vulgar drivel and then this plugin wreaking havoc on their messages, please do post below!

I'd also just like to thank woutwoot for helping me get started with Bukkit and Java. He is the reason I was able to develop the skills to make this plugin for you guys in the first place.

By the way, if you see me on Minecraft do say Hi! (My Minecraft name is Warby579) :)

Any questions? Post them in the comments below and I'll try and respond :D


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 6, 2013
  • Last Released File
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