Bukkit Games
Warning: This plugin is able to delete the world that has been set in the config. It's recommended to install this plugin on a clean server without any important world files, as the main world will be deleted every time the server restarts with this plugin installed, in order to generate a new random world to play on.
For a long time people have been playing survival games, and many people are still enjoying the gamemode to this day. Many of those players would love to make a survival games server themselves. Many survival games plugins have been released and used, but I'm hoping to provide you with an easy-to-use, super customizable, and fun version of survival games.
So, we have made for you: BukkitGames!
- Random generated worlds each round.
- Random crates spawn in the world.
- World border.
- Building can both be allowed or denied.
- Ranks.
- Spectating.
- Easy drag & drop setup.
- Custom plugin name in config.
- Force starting.
- Countdowns.
- Kits. (Fully customizable)
- A winner rank for 1 round after winning.
- Random spawn locations when the game starts.
- Arena shrink mechanics.
- Scoreboard system.
- Vote to start system.
- And much, much more!
Every game is completely random and different!
Installing is easy! Drag and drop the files in the zip file into your plugin folder and you're ready to go!
- [/bg] Main command.
- [/bg iron <playerName>] Set a player's rank to Iron member.
- [/bg gold <playerName>] Set a player's rank to Gold member.
- [/bg diamond <playerName>] Set a player's rank to Diamond member.
- [/bg emerld <playerName>] Set a player's rank to Emerald member.
- [/bg forcestart] Force start the round.
- [/bg addpoints <playerName> <points>] Give a player points.
- [/bg givekit <playerName> <kitName>] Give a player a kit.
- [/bg takekit <playerName> <kitName>] Remove a kit from a player's kits.
- [/bg vote] Vote start start the round.
- kitName:
- logoItem: itemName
- kitLore: 'Text goes here.'
- price: The price in points.
- items:
- 'itemName': amountOfItem
- potions:
- potionNameInIdOrNormalName(Example: FIRE_RESISTANCE):
- amplifier: The level of the potion effect.
- duration: How long it should last. (In seconds.)
- effect: The special effect for this kit. (API tutorial: Click here)
- (Check the example configuration file for more insight!)
Config explanation:
- pluginDisplayName = The name that displays in front of all messages.
- worldName = Which world is going to be used for the game, has to match the default world.
- maxPlayers = The amount of players that can join the game.
- enableKits = If the game should have kits.
- deleteWorldOnServerBoot = If the world should be deleted and regenerated on server boot.
- saveWorldOnServerShutDown = If the world should be saved when the game has ended.
- votesNeededToAutostart = How many votes are needed to auto-start the game.
- deadPlayersCanChat = If dead player can chat or not.
- canBuild = If players can build during the game.
- randomWorldTime = If when the round starts the world time should be random or not.
- roundStartWaitTime = How long it will take for the round to start after a sufficient amount of players joining.
- graceperiod = How long players are invulnerable at the start of the round.
- dropCrates = If there should spawn Crates.
- playerSpreadRadius = The max distance a player can get teleported from the spawn when the round starts.
- createItemSpawnChance = The % chance that there spawns an item in a Crate slot.
- spawnCrateSpawnRadius = The max distance a spawn Crate can spawn away from the spawn. (Spawn Spawn Spawn)
- spawnCrateAmount = The number of spawn Crates.
- minimalCrates = The minimal amount of Crates.
- maximalCrates = The maximal amount of Crates.
- arenaSize = The size of the arena, a player will get damage when it tries to escape. (For now)
- minimalArenaSize = The smallest radius the arena can get after shrinking.
- shrinkSpeedInSeconds = The time it takes to shrink the arena 1 block. (0 = No shrinking)
- enableScoreboard = If the scoreboard system should be enabled.
- winner = Don't touch this, it's to save the last winner for the next round.
How to restart the server after the game ended:
Use this in your start cmd to make the server auto-restart when the server shuts down:
- :start
- java -Xmx1G -jar (craftbukkit/spigot jar name).jar
- goto start
GitHub page: https://github.com/Markcreator/BukkitGames/
Made by Markcreator
Any chance of this plugin updating in the future?
Used to enjoy this a lot.
Hey guys!
It's been a looong while, but here we are again, with an update at last! Tons of fixes and features were introduced in this new version, in addition with 1.11 compatibility! The new BukkitGames V0.9 is now awaiting approval, enjoy!
- Mark
how do I join games?
its always saying the server is restarting
2 very decent suggestions! I will surely aim towards adding them in the upcoming update.
One other idea. Could the config please get an option as to what block type to spawn on? I think its set to leaves or grass but I'm using it in a city map so clay would be better for me.
I love this and I have a cool world for it. but I would love to issue the command /send current hub when the game ends or before the reboot command. That why my players dont get kicked on my bungeecord server.
Nice plugin but could you add vault support?
How does it not work, could you be a bit more specific?
Hey guys!
It's been a while again, but we've fixed quite a bit for small bugs, and even added some neat new features. The new BukkitGames V0.87 is now awaiting approval, enjoy!
- Mark
Hey people!
Sorry that it took a while, but the new version of BukkitGames is now pending! Due to some problems at the office we were unable to do too much work on the project lately, but new cool stuff is on the way! But for now, we hope you'll enjoy the updated version of BukkitGames which supports 1.8! Be sure to share your thoughts down here!
- Mark
(P.S: Merry Christmas! :) )
please update this plugin
Nothing changed after updating to Java 1.7.0_65. Even the error message didn't change; it still shows 51.0 as the unsupported version instead of expected 65.0 (at least I've expected that). Probably it doesn't work with Java 7. The other possiblity is the 1.7.0_51 or something is still there and I have to uninstall it, but I can't get the old versions uninstaller to work. At last, I wanted the BukkitGames plugin as a substitute to MCPVP's Hardcore Games (not advertising), because I couldn't buy Minecraft. Fortunately, there's a possiblity that in the nearest future I'll be able to play the original, but still I hope that I'll manage to fix the problem in the future. I really appreciate the work put into this plugin, and I hope that I will have a possiblity to use it and donate to you.
can someone give me config for crates and kits
I create in my server minigames , un monde for the bukkit plugin , but he delete this world and says this world don't exist , servers 1.7.2 r.03 . Erroe: [Erreur Java] net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R1.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:617) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R1.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:424) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R1.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.java:175) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R1.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:275) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R1.MinecraftServer.g(MinecraftServer.java:319) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R1.MinecraftServer.m(MinecraftServer.java:342) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R1.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:375) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R1.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:439) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:389) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] us.Myles.PWP.TransparentListeners.PerWorldPluginLoader.enablePlugin(PerWorldPluginLoader.java:145) [PerWorldPlugins.jar:?] [Erreur Java] org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:350) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:250) [craftbukkit_1_7_2_R0_3.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.3-b3020jnks] [Erreur Java] me.Markcreator.SurvivalGames.Main.onEnable(Main.java:386) [?:?] [Erreur Java] me.Markcreator.SurvivalGames.Main.createCrate(Main.java:638) [?:?] [09:25:39] [Server thread/ERROR] : Error occurred while enabling BukkitGames v0.85 (Is it up to date?)
is there a way to enable/disable blood effects?
It seems that you don't have a crateItems.2 section in your config, you could have at least one items in your crateItems.2 section to make the plugin work properly.
We need to make the server does not restart just need to do the primary and secondary world and maybe one more, and when finished playing a game on one player to drag the world to the other, or just another free world where the game starts soon (number one world need to configure)
Hey, Any chance to make the rank work via permissions?
For example if they have "bukkitgames.iron" they have that kit?
Also if they have a higher perm/rank it will select them to use that?
There might be an issue with the compatibility with Multiverse. I will see what I can do.