We encourage you to join discussion at
This site will be rebuilded for new, fresh SuperCensor 3.0. Stay tuned!
• rebuild site
• make BungeeCord version
Update notifications
SuperCensor will check for updates and let you know when new version came out.
Disabling updater
If you want to disable updater, go to plugins -> SuperCensor and open config.yml file. Change "Enabled" to false under "AutoUpdater". Restart your server.
Author notification
When author joins the game, SuperCensor will send him a message with SuperCensor`s version number
I feel really nice when server that Im joining is using my plugin :)
I spend a lot of my personal time to write this plugin. If you want to buy me some cookies for my hard work and help me with developing this plugin please consider donating :)
why _?
In reply to yusufyaman2121:
Is this plugin going to be updated to 1.12 anytime in the future?
In reply to ZanTheSuperSaiyan:
In reply to Forge_User_23335621:
In reply to ZanTheSuperSaiyan:
In reply to Forge_User_23335621:
Thank you.
Plugin has been released on SpigotMC, you can rate it there if you want. It would be really helpful ;)
Thanks! I will take a look at this plugin.
Hi. Upon the bugs on text replacement i have been using this old plugin called Text Replace. it still works this day, but maybe the 2 plugins can merge together? What i love about it, is that it ALWAYS replaces the word before any other plugins see the message.. i've tried other newer plugins where it seemed a little random if it got replaced or picked up by an antiswear plugin as a rulebreak..
(link to mentioned plugin:)
SuperCensor 3.0 has been finally released!
Can I always ?
No problem, just get messages file here, translate it and send it back to me on Pastebin.
Yes but I don't want to sign up here ! :(
You can sign up here:
After signing up, please go here:
I can't sign up ! :(
That will be awesome!
Please follow this link:
I can help you if you want. ;) (translate...)
Lets move this discussion to this issue. I posted fix here, let me know if it is forking for you too.
Replacer is builded with help of Special arrays, so permission is supercensor.bypass.special.<replacerName>
For example: